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Now that this is the 3rd time my snake is going to shed i am getting use to it. I have always been told they will reject food when about to shed, but last time i feed she shed the next day?? and now she had not had a drink in a few days but i took her out earlier this morning, and when i was aoubt to put her back in i decided to hold her and see if she would drink, and she drank for like 2min i mean i have never had her drink that long, is this for the sheding process, or is the temp or humidity not correct in my tank? thanks in advance for your help :toiletgra
well, i dont know a lot about the drinking thing, but the last time my baby snow corn shed, he had eaten just the previous day, with relish. now he was a little more enthusiastic about his lunch the feeding AFTER then shed. :eatpointe
luvofthechase said:
well, i dont know a lot about the drinking thing, but the last time my baby snow corn shed, he had eaten just the previous day, with relish. now he was a little more enthusiastic about his lunch the feeding AFTER then shed. :eatpointe

cool thanks for the information
Interesting thing about your snake drinking. Are you sure that your snake can get to the water? Is it a high water dish? Mine do that sometimes when I take them out and spray them when they are about to shed.

As far as the eating/shed question. One of my snow corns eat regardless of her shed cycle. The others want nothing to do with food. My amel is due to shed anyday now and today was his feeding day. I tried to feed him but he was not interested. Oh well, I guess I will try after he sheds :)
with some corns, not even a shed will curb their appetites. I have a few that would probably eat in the middle of a shed if I offered it. The only problem that you may have with feeding so close to a shed is that if the humidity isn't high enough, the old shed may be hardn to discard and could constrict the food in his system, possibly causing a regurge and difficulty digesting. It sounds like you have it covered pretty well with spraying before they shed. Luvofthechase is correct that most will have an even bigger appetite after a shed.
howiet4702 said:
Interesting thing about your snake drinking. Are you sure that your snake can get to the water? Is it a high water dish? Mine do that sometimes when I take them out and spray them when they are about to shed. QUOTE]

i am sure my snake can get to the water bowl. but I like to make him drink when i hold him over the bowl, but yes she can reach it