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Sigyn the Normal


New member
I know you aren't supposed to buy animals from pet shops. But this little girl caught my eye the first time I saw her. After being at the shop for a month and having her price dropped I bought her. She wasn't in very good shape and I've been working hard to get her healthy. I think she is close to 3 months old but not sure. She was really skinny when I got her but I didn't have anything to weigh her with. After two weeks I got something to weigh her and she was 9 grams. It's been about another two weeks and she is now 11 grams (weighed her today) I'm so happy she is gaining weight. For a while I thought she was going to die. I feed her twice a week and she digests super fast!

So here is Sigyn which means Victorious in Norse (victorious girlfriend according to wikipedia):

I think her head marking looks nifty:
Pretty snake, I love norse mythology, and Sigyn is actually slightly snake related, too! So bonus there.

In norse mythology Sigyn is the wife of Loki. When Loki is bound by the Gods, the goddess Skadi places a venomous snake above Loki to drip venom onto his face. During this time Sigyn stays by Loki, holding a bowl under the snake to catch the venom. When the bowl is full Sigyn must leave to empty it and during this time the venom dripping onto Loki's face causes him to shake so violently that it is the cause of all earthquakes.

Norse mythology is the best!

I asked on here in a different post what anyone thought my Sigyn was. A couple people told me she was normal or classic. So, I guess she is. But I also think she is hypomelanistic. My reason is that she hardly has any black on her at all! There are a few specks of black on the tops and bottoms of a few saddles. All the checkers on her belly are brown. No black at all. Her eyes are also a light brown color (black pupils). So am I right about her being hypo?


Got some clearer pictures of Sigyn. She is now 14 grams. I know for sure that she is a hypo now but could she be ultra? I don't know what makes a snake an ultra but from the pictures I've seen on iansvivarium.com of ultras they all have white faces and Sigyn has a white face. I'm new to all the morphs so I'm just guessing. Her white face could be nothing at all. Please tell me what you think. :dancer:







The darker checkers on her belly look chocolate colored in real life though no matter how many pictures I took they kept looking kinda gray in the photos.
Sorry I can't answer any morph-related questions, but I just had to comment on how neat her head marking is. Her face is so white too. Very cute and unique looking snake!
She could very well be a hypo, finding an ultra in a pet shop is way less likely I think, even in the States, since you don't see them very often on the forums too.

She surely is a lovely critter!
She is definitely a pretty hypo.. What type of hypo she is, who knows.. Breeding trials are the only way to tell that for sure.. She even looks a bit sunkissed like.. Maybe a het? Just breed her to find out :) She is truly beautiful though..
My Ultramel in the link I supplied I bought him from a petshop here in CA, he was in w/ 2 of his Lavender siblings. I have bought 2 of my corns from petshops. The other one is my CandyCane. All my other snakes are from breeders & my future ones will be from breeders. NO more impulse buys! They have an Anery Stripe that is just stunning right now. (I need to stay away!) I promised my daughter I would get her a Bloodred Stripe, so I will get him/her from a breeder. :D
I know what you mean. There are so many corns that I wanna get but right now I live with my mother and she told me that she would kill me if I got anymore animals. I didn't think the snakes counted but now she is saying no more snakes. Need to hurry up and find me own place :D