Mr. Enigma!
I'm not Deano but I gots two cents to spend.
Profanity is sort of like porn. "Can't define it, but we know it when we see it". Asking for an exhaustive list or definition of profanity is just begging to have someone (not you at all Wayne, I have the highest regard for you) find an exception or a word not on the list. I remember there was one particularly unpleasant person on another forum who managed to find some derogatory wording in another language, she didn't get away with it although it took some effort to translate.
Common sense goes a long way. If one gets dinged for profanity (and I have, several times) it's a learning experience. I manage to be pretty clean most of the time, and if a mod judges I've got dirt I usually thank them and get better for a while. There ARE words that aren't really dirt, but to me, it's more important to respect the system. If Deano sez it's a cuss, it's a cuss, and considering Deano is not exactly any kind of angel, if he sez it's a cuss it prolly is.
Again Wayne, you have a good point, just want to have my little two cents here.
Thank you Lucille, I appreciate the kind words and I feel the same way about you. :cheers:
Thank you for the response too. I feel the way you do, in regard to this discussion, but at the same time, I would hate to be trapped in the proverbial gray area.
Then it comes down to personal inturpritation. What if I am in a discussion with Susan and I use a word that may or may not be a cuss, (based on each of our own personal definitions) but Deano sez it is? (or vise versa with the Deano and Susan thing), but during that conversation, Susan doesn't see it as a cuss and chooses not to act?
Hmmmm? Ya know, this topic could drive me :crazy02:
That FCC definition works for me, but notice how they use the word "includes." Even they don't limit their definition narrowly. It's too subjective. The mods aren't in full agreement, and we're probably never going to be. Gray areas abound. I wish I could be more specific, but I can't. :shrugs:
I get that Dean and I appreciate the attempt to clarify. I hate to be a thorn in the side or a pain in the asteroid belt, but I just wonder about this, every time I see the word "profanity".
I guess the best possible solution would be to look at the context at which the word is/was used? Would that be fair?