Vet nurse in training!
Hey everyone,
I just stocked up on mice yesterday and have moved my older two up a size. So now my male is on one small adult mouse and the female on 2 fuzzies (the youngest is still on pinkies).
Anyway, I noticed when I took out the adult mouse to defrost that it smelt of urine. I have never noticed this with fuzzies. I checked all the adult mice and most smelt like this (if any of you keep/kept hampsters/mice its the smell of their urine corner
I didn't think it would matter but washed the mouse anyway with warm water, dried it as best I could but Pretzel wouldnt feed off of it. Neither would he feed off of an unwashed one! They are definately not too big for him and the other snakes are feeding fine. Has anyone experienced this? There is nothing 'wrong' with the mice...they come from a reliable source. Is Pretz just being picky/unsure of his new bigger meal??
I just stocked up on mice yesterday and have moved my older two up a size. So now my male is on one small adult mouse and the female on 2 fuzzies (the youngest is still on pinkies).
Anyway, I noticed when I took out the adult mouse to defrost that it smelt of urine. I have never noticed this with fuzzies. I checked all the adult mice and most smelt like this (if any of you keep/kept hampsters/mice its the smell of their urine corner
I didn't think it would matter but washed the mouse anyway with warm water, dried it as best I could but Pretzel wouldnt feed off of it. Neither would he feed off of an unwashed one! They are definately not too big for him and the other snakes are feeding fine. Has anyone experienced this? There is nothing 'wrong' with the mice...they come from a reliable source. Is Pretz just being picky/unsure of his new bigger meal??