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Snakes and Cats


Just a Corny Newb
Wasn't sure where to put this thread, but here goes.

I found my younger cat on top of the snake cages the other night. My quick remedy is to cover the cage at night with a blanket, but there's still the day time that she has the house to herself.

This brings me to my question. Do any of you have any ideas of how to keep the cats away from my cages? I don't think they can get in, but i'm a worry wart about my babies, and I'd hate to have to lose my cat over my snakes.

Any advice is well appreciated. Thanks guys/gals!

My cat has always been obsessed with laying on top of the snake enclosure. I was afraid she would fall through as she is fairly heavy. I put the enclosure on a shelving system with adjustable racks. Dropped the rack above down low enough so she can't get on top of the enclosure. Good luck.
My cat has always been obsessed with laying on top of the snake enclosure. I was afraid she would fall through as she is fairly heavy. I put the enclosure on a shelving system with adjustable racks. Dropped the rack above down low enough so she can't get on top of the enclosure. Good luck.

Well, that's a good idea. I'm actually waiting on a chance to spend some money on wood, so I can build a shelving system to put my cages in. I'll take your advice though, and make it where the shelves are only tall enough to fit the tanks.

In the mean time, though, what do I do? lol
Feed the cat to a larger snake. :dgrin: Just joking. Can you move the enclosure somewhere behind a closed door and keep the cat out?
I went to the hardware store and had a few pieces of wire ClosetMaid shelving (like this) cut to cover the top of the viv. I actually use two pieces, so that the lip of the shelving is on either side.

I have also heard that some folks have pegboard cut to fit on top of the viv, but you have to watch out that humidity doesn't get too high, since the pegboad does limit air circulation somewhat more.

I also keep the door to the snake room closed. One of my cats in particular is a hellion and finds amusement in destroying things, so we have a room devoted to "things we don't want the cat to break". :rolleyes:
Well, I live in a house that's heated by a gas heater, and it's cold as Hades right now. When it warms up, or I can buy a space heater, the snake's vivs will be put in the ManCave, which does have a door on it. It sucks, because i'm really limited right now for funds. I'm sure they'll be ok, but as said before, i'm a worry wart. I'll just have to bear through it, I guess.
Well, I live in a house that's heated by a gas heater, and it's cold as Hades right now. When it warms up, or I can buy a space heater, the snake's vivs will be put in the ManCave, which does have a door on it. It sucks, because i'm really limited right now for funds. I'm sure they'll be ok, but as said before, i'm a worry wart. I'll just have to bear through it, I guess.

Oh, I know that keeping the snake(s) in a closed room is no fun at all. If your cat has only a mild interest (just wants to sit and watch), than the wire or pegboard viv cover should be enough support. My cat is the determined type. The wire shelving is strong enough for him to sit on, but I'm still worried he might try to poke his paws through the wire (and through the screen), hence why we lock him out. :nope: That cat is bad news! Lol!
Oh, I know that keeping the snake(s) in a closed room is no fun at all. If your cat has only a mild interest (just wants to sit and watch), than the wire or pegboard viv cover should be enough support. My cat is the determined type. The wire shelving is strong enough for him to sit on, but I'm still worried he might try to poke his paws through the wire (and through the screen), hence why we lock him out. :nope: That cat is bad news! Lol!

Lol Bad News!!! lol Well, my cat is more mesmerized by the snakes, so I don't THINK she'll do anything bad. I'll be making new shelves and relocating soon, I hope so I won't have to worry.
Lol Bad News!!! lol Well, my cat is more mesmerized by the snakes, so I don't THINK she'll do anything bad. I'll be making new shelves and relocating soon, I hope so I won't have to worry.

Yeah... I used to have a spider plant which I kept hanging in a hanging planter. It was the one place I figured this cat couldn't reach to destroy it. Guess what?! The plant is dead, because Evil Genius managed to tear it down from the CEILING! :angry01:

That's what I mean by determined. LOL! :rofl: I don't trust that cat with anything now.
Yeah... I used to have a spider plant which I kept hanging in a hanging planter. It was the one place I figured this cat couldn't reach to destroy it. Guess what?! The plant is dead, because Evil Genius managed to tear it down from the CEILING! :angry01:

That's what I mean by determined. LOL! :rofl: I don't trust that cat with anything now.

What a turd! lmao

I wouldn't trust the lil buggar either. Cats are evil vindictive little things, but I love them. If they weren't so cute..
My cats are just like that. Onyx is such a destructive force of nature he could tear up an anvil in a sand pile.

I used a water bottle and squirt my cats when they get too close to the tanks.

We also have the third bedroom set up for the cats and they stay in there when the humans are not home.
My cats are just like that. Onyx is such a destructive force of nature he could tear up an anvil in a sand pile.

I used a water bottle and squirt my cats when they get too close to the tanks.

We also have the third bedroom set up for the cats and they stay in there when the humans are not home.

Excellent idea! I keep a spray bottle to spray mist into the viv when the humidity gets low, so i'll use that. Thanks for the idea!
My cat is such a terror that she doesn't even care when she gets sprayed. We used to keep mini squirt guns around for when she was getting into stuff until we realized that it didn't help to deter her. If she's really determined you can spray her until she's soaking wet and she'll keep doing whatever she's doing. :p

I just have my vivariums on top of stuff that doesn't have any extra edges for her to sit on. I think it helps that she's a big chubster because even though she's pretty good at jumping on stuff, there's no way she can get on top of the vivs. She can put her paws on the edge of the table that one of the snakes is on (which is adorable btw) but she can't get on top of it.

She does however LOVE to sit on my bed and watch the snakes cruising around. I have to lock her out when I feed them because she'll try and put her paws up on the feeding bin which I'm sure the snakes wouldn't appreciate. ;)
My cats like to lie on viv covers too. My place is too small to lock the cats out of the snake room. Fortunately, the covers I've got seem to be more than strong enough to support Dewey or Phantom, who are chubsters of about 12-14 lbs. Neither Humphrey nor Icabod care. Attitude is TERRIFIED of the cats but I have his or her viv in a location where the cats can't get on top of it, so that solves that for now.

I think I need a rack, don't I?
My cat is such a terror that she doesn't even care when she gets sprayed. We used to keep mini squirt guns around for when she was getting into stuff until we realized that it didn't help to deter her. If she's really determined you can spray her until she's soaking wet and she'll keep doing whatever she's doing. :p

Mine are completely unphased by spraying water, either. They even like to sit in the shower. :rolleyes:

At the same time, it's good to know that my kitty boys aren't the only "evil" cats around! Lol!

I think I need a rack, don't I?

I think that's how I'm going to solve the issue! Haha! :dancer:
My big fat cat BoBo who is about 15 lbs just figured out that we added to the collection. Right now 5 are in my son's room and we close his door to keep the temps steady and Adonis is in our room. It is hard to remember to close the door since he usually lays on the bed or by the dog crate, which is in our bath off our room, when we are gone. I woke up one morning to the sound of him scratching the top of Adonis' viv! Mike hates cats, though he is the one who brought him inside almost 2 years ago when he was born to a momma cat I used to have outside. She had 5 kittens and 1 died and 3along with the momma went to another home. BoBo became Mike's until he grew out of the kitten stage and developed an attitude. Now when Mike looks at him, he runs...poor cat. We have a beta fish that we have to keep in Jake's bathroom with the door closed because the cat likes to try to get him out of the water...we really need to find a home for the beta. And we have to keep the litter boxes blocked by a baby gate in my office because the dog likes to eat his "tootsie rolls"..yuk!! And the cat food has to stay up on a bookshelf so the dog doesn't eat it. Now Mike wants to move all the cat stuff to "his" room which is basically an 8X8 closet so he can make a DIY viv shelving to put in the office. I can see it now, we'll come home to a bunch of stuff on the floor in "his" room because the cat will be jumping on everything or we'll forget and close the door and come home to another kind of mess...so much adjusting to do to get to that 20 snake plan...but worth it....just feel bad for my cat!!!
Try putting a piece of new aluminum foil on top of the cage.

Most cats hate to walk on foil, although once it gets old and crinkled, they don't mind so much anymore. It is good for training them to keep off furniture, etc. If that doesn't work, you can buy a Scat Mat (http://www.safepetproducts.com/scat-mat-for-cats-and-dogs.html) to put on top. If the cat steps on it, it will get a little "static electricity" type shock. You can eventually move it to other areas you want to train cats or dogs to avoid, too. Once trained, they won't need it unless they try again.