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Snakes eat everything!!

Did anyone see the Man vs. Wild where Bear Grylls found a mangrove snake and just up and chopped off its head and bit into it? I'm sorry but the guy goes a bit over the top with some of the crazy, nasty stuff he does. Poor snake :nope:
I SAW THAT! Look guys, I'm all for living off the land and eating meat and all but C'MON! He killed it, took 2 bites and threw it away! What a waste of a life! ( I'd have at least cooked it! I hope his guts revolted on him later! Snakey revenge!)

Omg! That's disgusting! That guy bothers me. You know what else bothers me, what Petco feeds their corns and BP's. I mean, feeder fish, worms and crickets?? Stupid PETA - I think they do more harm than good sometimes. Did you know they're petitioning to get fish called "Sea Kittens" so less people eat them? That's rediculous. If that passes I'm gonna call my cats Land-Fish.
Hate to say it.. But kings eatting corns is not disturbing, not going to waste the freezer babies to the garbage can when I have more than enough kings and milks that will not refuse a tastey little corn snack.. *shrugs* There are a few people out there that breed corns specifacly for food for other species ( Indigos, Kings and Milks to name a few.. )

Regards.. Tim of T and J
Hate to say it.. But kings eatting corns is not disturbing, not going to waste the freezer babies to the garbage can when I have more than enough kings and milks that will not refuse a tastey little corn snack.. *shrugs* There are a few people out there that breed corns specifacly for food for other species ( Indigos, Kings and Milks to name a few.. )

Very true, Tim. I guess I don't mind the feeding of snakes to other snakes when they're dead in the first place - but live feeding of snake to snake just creeps me out. I suppose I can understand if that snake is a non-feeder, but still I think I'd rather try to get them healthy again rather than toss it to the big boys. I've seen plenty of things and creautures get eaten with all the animals we have, but I could never let a living thing die by my hand. If it's already dead [i.e pinkies,] I can handle it. I don't think I'll ever feed live unless it's absoloutely necessary. I'm just too big of a softee - If I didn't have some sanity left in me I'd be the crazy animal lady by next year. Luckily I also like a clean house that doesn't smell of cat, dog, bird or dead mice - so I only take on as much as I can handle. Sorry, I'm rambling - but that's my take on all that. :)
bah.. Snakes are not the only ones..
Marine Toad
Omg! That's disgusting! That guy bothers me. You know what else bothers me, what Petco feeds their corns and BP's. I mean, feeder fish, worms and crickets?? Stupid PETA - I think they do more harm than good sometimes. Did you know they're petitioning to get fish called "Sea Kittens" so less people eat them? That's rediculous. If that passes I'm gonna call my cats Land-Fish.

As far as the petco's go...i think it's case by case (as with most pet stores it seems). The petco I used to work at took great care of the reptiles (and other animals) and they always got appropriate sized mice.

Yeah the sea kittens thing is pretty stupid lol. But I don't ever see it 'passing' because no non-peta person is going to just up and start calling fish 'sea-kittens'. Though I'd have to say that they can call fish whatever they want...it's not going to prevent me from eating them or keeping them as pets. Sea-kittens are tasty! If they really want to rename fish to something that will make people think twice about eating it...they should have used "baby-vomit".
what kinda lizard is that Jim? I've never seen a spotted one before. :)

As far as the petco's go...i think it's case by case (as with most pet stores it seems). The petco I used to work at took great care of the reptiles (and other animals) and they always got appropriate sized mice.

Yeah the sea kittens thing is pretty stupid lol. But I don't ever see it 'passing' because no non-peta person is going to just up and start calling fish 'sea-kittens'. Though I'd have to say that they can call fish whatever they want...it's not going to prevent me from eating them or keeping them as pets. Sea-kittens are tasty! If they really want to rename fish to something that will make people think twice about eating it...they should have used "baby-vomit".

That's good to hear. Except for 1 pet store out of all the Pet'smarts and PetCo's here, they all feed mostly worms and crickets. BUT, the one that actually doesn't is very close to me and I'm sending in an application there. :) Basically, every pet store I've been to is run down, low on stock, and not very clean. I usually perfer the smaller specialty stores. The one in Illinois that the breeder of 2 of my snakes is, is amazing. But the chains aren't that great. I guess I've just heard too many horror stories about buying a reptile at a chain, and having it die very soon after. And I mean from people who own other herps and how to take care of them - I just don't see that as error by the owner when it's happened so many times, ya know? I hate to be prejudiced, but it's just my oppinon. I just really want the animals to stay heathly.

I agree with the fish thing - it's not going to stop me from eating them. Althought calling them "Baby-vomit" might! lolz :laugh: