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Sneaking in a python by posing as a pregnant woman?

Haha, I've put Fiamma in my purse before in her pillowcase - she actually seemed to like it! It's dark, and warm if I hold it in my lap. :)
Wow I really thought you guys would frown on this but it turns out you've been smuglging your snakes everywhere! :laugh:
As long as it doesn't hurt anyone or scare anyone, I don't see why it would be a problem. I just wouldn't generally recommend that everyone do it because too many people are careless, and somebody might allow an escape. That would be bad publicity for our community.
Shoot, pack a burm in your belly, and just say that the in-vitro octuplets are due any day now.

You might even get an endorsement deal out of it.

My friend and I sometimes bring our corn snakes with us to our college classes. They're good snakes and usually just sit in our laps or sleeves. The only problem I've come across is poop. haha :p
Some snakes are almost snuggly because of body warmth...I'm sure a python would be fine if you kept him/her in a backpack.
I would enjoy my time at work a lot more if I could just walk around with a snake around my neck, or through my sleeve. I'd be so much more relaxed!
I would enjoy my time at work a lot more if I could just walk around with a snake around my neck, or through my sleeve. I'd be so much more relaxed!

Not to rub it in, but I keep snake bags in my desk at work just for when people bring stuff in or we get bored and decide to go do some impromptu field "work." Gotta love a job where everyone in the office is a herpetologist in one form or another, eh?
Being careful is right. Imagine how embarrassing it would be if I was getting brutally attacked by Mikey's dog again, and I accidentally pulled out a cornsnake instead of a pistol? Oh, I could have died. Concealed carrying of snakes is just too risky and risque!
Being careful is right. Imagine how embarrassing it would be if I was getting brutally attacked by Mikey's dog again, and I accidentally pulled out a cornsnake instead of a pistol? Oh, I could have died. Concealed carrying of snakes is just too risky and risque!

The only thing my dog has ever attacked was a duck. You maliciously pointed a gun at my dog. The only reason that you didn't kill him, is because I dove in front of the bullet, taking one for the team, and saving Cajun's life. I still have the piece of metal in my chest, it was to close to the heart to remove.

As per the OP, I usually find a shady place to park and leave the windows cracked. Or, I leave the aforementioned dog that KJ shot at, Cajun, and the snakes in the truck with the truck running.
The only thing my dog has ever attacked was a duck. You maliciously pointed a gun at my dog. The only reason that you didn't kill him, is because I dove in front of the bullet, taking one for the team, and saving Cajun's life. I still have the piece of metal in my chest, it was to close to the heart to remove.

Are you sure you were hunting with KJ and not our former Vice Pres?
Are you sure you were hunting with KJ and not our former Vice Pres?

I never hunted with him, but I have guided some hunts down here with some very questionable people. I cannot count the number of times that I have had to duck or yell at my truck driver to duck because some dumbarse doesn't know to not shoot at me. I have chewed some people out for some of the low shots they have taken. Let me tell you, if I had been there when Dick took that shot, I would have been hot. I wouldn't have care if he was the VP or not, I would have chewed some arse.