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So I caved...


New member
...And I got one of my dream morphs from Walter, an adorable little Peppermint :D

His name is Númenor (yes, more Tolkien related names :cool:) and he is, of course, just perfect and adorable <3




And while I was there I couldn't help having a looksee around...so I also ended up with this adorable little female; a Miami phase motley, her name is Isilmë :D



I am so addicted right now (all ready!), it's not even funny...

(Oh and, for the record, I blame Nanci for pointing out to me that Walter had those adorable Peppermints for sale at such a great price xP)
Man, it seems like everyone is getting a peppermint from Walter. They are so cute! Your little Miami is cute too. :)
It's such a great price _I_ even want some, although I already have several pepps here!! They are JUST...SO...PRETTY!!!