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Some Gecko/Lizard Questions.


Do research on what you like. If you like a couple of the suggestions do the pro's and con's for each one. If you have any questions come back and ask! Good Luck on finding you a new lizard scalebaby. We love all our lizards.
Ryan, Grandis (Mad. Giant Day Geckos), are not exactly a beginners geckos. They may be very colorful, but they are skittish, and cannot be handled. I would not recommend one as a beginner's lizard. AFTs are what you need, AND I can give you a nice hook up.
An animal that cannot or should not be handled does not make it a hard to keep species. It simply means keep your hands off. And given how skittish all geckos can be, you really shouldn't handle any of them often anyway.
I think some need to quit trying to shove a certain species down Ryan's throat and commenting that all the others aren't good.

Ryan asked for opinions. We gave him our opinions on geckos and lizards.

Not much difference between AFT and Leopards
Not much difference between Gargoyles and Crested

Mad. Day Geckos are awesome creatures. Very beautiful. They are Frog eye'd geckos, flying geckos and crodadile geckos that are just display geckos. Care isn't much more than any other geckos.

Again, Ryan weigh your pro's and con's about each species and what you think you would like to have. Do lots of research. We can tell you all day long about how easy one species is. But that is for us. Research which one you think you can give the best care too.

Like I said. We have a gargoyle, and two leopards very easy to maintain and care for. I also have a bearded dragon that takes a whole lot.
We love our AFT but he only comes out at night so if you are looking for one you can watch during the day the AFT's would not work.
An animal that cannot or should not be handled does not make it a hard to keep species. It simply means keep your hands off. And given how skittish all geckos can be, you really shouldn't handle any of them often anyway.

Skittish? Most aboreal geckos tend to be skittish, but most of my AFTs are not skittish at all? The reason I don't think Grandis make good beginner pets is because they are so damn skittish and their skin tears which makes cage cleaning very interesting.
I have a garg. Most boring lizard EVER!!!!! I've seen her out maybe twice. I think I've had her three years??? She hides. If she comes out, she sits motionless. Yes, she is easy to handle. I suppose mixing goo for her is easier than feeding insects. She needs AC in the summer in FL, but no heat or light. BORING. And she doesn't have the intelligence of a dragon or a blue tongue or a tegu. She's "just" a lizard...
Personally, I absolutely love my Uroplatus. Yeah, it's just a "brown lizard", but it's fascinating to watch his colors change. They're almost as extreme as the cresties! Mine absolutely loves his daily mist, and it's fun to watch him drink from the leaves in his enclosure. He's also quite handleable, as long as you're gentle with him. Not as delicate as grandis, but you still don't want to hold them like you would a leo or AFT. His cricket hunting habits are fun to watch, and is quite frequently out during the day. There's several different subspecies of Uroplatus, so you can find one that more suits your tastes. Just a warning, though, they are a bit on the expensive side.



(These two pictured are the same gecko. Uroplatus guentheri)
Leaf Tails are awesome. But I gotta say Fattails FTW!

You have your opinion and I have mine. I don't need hundreds of "morph" or phases to keep me happy. Just one of these guys is plenty rewarding for me to watch every day. Yeah, I wouldn't mind breeding them someday, but I'm also content to have a reptile that is just a pet. No, I don't handle him every day, but I do pull him out enough for him to not be skittish, and climb onto my hand when I put it in his enclosure. So, in my opinion, the natural beauty and grace beat out any Fat Tail on its best of days.
I love Leaf Tails aswell! The Satanics are my favorite. There's a reason AFTs are as mainstream as they are though ;)
Leaf tails are awesome! I think Satanics are my favorite as well. Totally personal opinion and one that I know is not shared by a lot of people, but Leopard geckos are very ugly to me, some angles they are cute, and they seem to have a good bit of personality. But I just don't like the way they look. AFTs are a bit less unattractive to me but only a bit. That is the nice thing about keeping reptiles though, there are some that are appealing to everyone, no matter their idea of beauty!
Going to add to the crested vote. I recently acquired two as my partner was looking for something cute with legs. :p Just as easy as my corns and pretty cute as well. We have Taco and Denali in an 18x18x24 planted exo-terra vivarium right now and it alone is beautiful. My partner I think has as much fun designing the viv as playing with the cresteds. :laugh:

For other easy species, I'd agree with leos, fat tails, gargs, days if you don't mind being hands-off. What about swifts? A friend of mine has one but I can't remember if she's low maintenance or not.
I have Crested, Fat Tails, and Leopard Geckos and out of them the easiest to care for are the Cretsed Geckos. The fat tails and leopard geckos are both easy to care for also but require a bit more then the cresties since they eat insects and need heat. The only thing I don't like about cresies is they spook easy and drop their tails. I've never had a leo or aft drop a tail, but I like that cresteds can stick to stuff lol. They also save space since they prefer a taller cage over a longer one like leos and afts.