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Some Of My Photos (Big Time DUW!!)

Justin Guyer

New member
I promised that I'd get some photos up here so I'm going to browse through my photobucket account and post a few as I find them. I'll include some of the non-Corn stuff too. I'll try to post up some that David hasn't posted for me.

Right and left Balls

Some Corny stuff


Russian Tortoise eggs and a quarter

Corny stuff




North Pacific Rattlers (Crotalus oreganus) that I found in the field this last spring while field herping the state of Washington with a friend. None of these animals were collected or harmed in any way...just photographed and allowed to go on their way











That's a pretty good rundown of what all I've had going on anyway. For those who stuck around and let the photos load....I hope that you enjoyed them!
I love the pile of kingsnakes and the rattlesnake tongue shots!! What is that you're using in the lay box??
I love the pile of kingsnakes and the rattlesnake tongue shots!! What is that you're using in the lay box??

That's just spagnum peat moss that you can get at any garden or flower shop. It works great and I've been using it for years. I'll get it pretty moist (soaked) and set it up right before mamma goes into prelay. By the time she lays the eggs on it has dried to the point where it is perfect. It's not an exact science and something that I've kind of developed a feel for over the years. Once she lays the eggs I remove her and tape a notecard over the hole with all of the info for the clutch written on it and then just let the eggs incubate and hatch when they will without ever even having to touch the eggs. Lot different than what most folks do I know, but its worked well for me so far.
Awesome photos! I love your Dumerils!

Thanks man. I've got a pair of them and that one is the female. They're small right now but I'm hoping to get them up to breeding size in a couple of years or so and see how they do. They are heavy feeders so they should grow quickly.

They also have the most jaw power I've ever seen in a snake!! I get bit by Corns and Kings every single day and it's no big deal at all. My female Dumeril's got a hold of me once...feeding strike, missed the rat...and DAMN!! It was like someone was crushing my thumb in a pair of pliers!! I was screaming like a little girl and my son was laughing his little butt off about it and said that it was better than watching Jackass! At least I know not to ever, ever allow a big one to get a hold of me!
Thanks man. I've got a pair of them and that one is the female. They're small right now but I'm hoping to get them up to breeding size in a couple of years or so and see how they do. They are heavy feeders so they should grow quickly.

They also have the most jaw power I've ever seen in a snake!! I get bit by Corns and Kings every single day and it's no big deal at all. My female Dumeril's got a hold of me once...feeding strike, missed the rat...and DAMN!! It was like someone was crushing my thumb in a pair of pliers!! I was screaming like a little girl and my son was laughing his little butt off about it and said that it was better than watching Jackass! At least I know not to ever, ever allow a big one to get a hold of me!

Very cool! I have an adult pair of Dumerils myself, and should be producing a litter next year if all goes well. Unfortunately, all she produced this year was 2 still borns and 9 slugs, but it was also their first year.

I don't EVER look forward to getting bit by one of mine... EVER! LOL. I've seen their teeth, and don't want to see them in my arm.
Oooh, I loved these! My favorites were the pip shots and the rattlers :) Great shots.

I love taking egg pipping shots! Hatching time is just the best time of year!! I love all of the surprises. Every year I get something that lets me know that I had more genetics than I thought I did at play and its just exciting to see what comes out next!

The Rattlers were really cool to find and observe in the wild. We found a lot more stuff...3 species of Garters, a Gopher Snake, Alligator Lizards, Short Horned Lizards,a Rubber Boa...the list goes on and on. It was an epic trip!

The Rattlers were all surprisingly docile and easy to work with also. I've worked with wild Cottonmouths, Copperheads, and Rattlers and not a single one has ever lived up to the nasty reputation that they have...but don't deserve. Hopefully I can get out and find some more stuff somewhere next spring before Colubrid breeding season kicks in full swing and I can't get out into the field. It's really cool just to get out sometimes and just see what's all out there in the wild.
Very cool! I have an adult pair of Dumerils myself, and should be producing a litter next year if all goes well. Unfortunately, all she produced this year was 2 still borns and 9 slugs, but it was also their first year.

I don't EVER look forward to getting bit by one of mine... EVER! LOL. I've seen their teeth, and don't want to see them in my arm.

Sorry to hear about the bad luck and I hope it goes better next season. Let me know how everything goes. Working with these is kind of like stepping into uncharted waters for me.
Sorry to hear about the bad luck and I hope it goes better next season. Let me know how everything goes. Working with these is kind of like stepping into uncharted waters for me.

I had had people tell me before that they have a VERY bad first season when it comes to breeding, so don't be too heartbroken if it doesn't go as planned. I'm currently fattening my girl up right now (3 rats/week) and should be putting them together within the next month.
I had had people tell me before that they have a VERY bad first season when it comes to breeding, so don't be too heartbroken if it doesn't go as planned. I'm currently fattening my girl up right now (3 rats/week) and should be putting them together within the next month.

I guess that's the way breeding goes sometimes. Sometimes it seems like I've had more failures than successes. I've kind of learned to expect the worst but jump for joy when things go well. A breeder can't throw in the towel just because of one bad breeding or even one bad entire season, if we did that than none of us would ever accomplish anything. Its just a learning process and breeders have to learn from bad things that happen. I'm sure that all of us have experienced setbacks and heartbreaks and failures. You know it happens...just part of it really. I've seen deformed baby snakes come out of the egg with their bellies not together and guts hanging out. I've seen unformed twins drug out of the egg dead by their sibling. I've lost entire clutches before. I had a Bearded Dragon once lay a clutch of slugs and then die. A breeder has to take the bad with the good.

I definitly commend you sir on sticking with the Dumeril's project and getting back on that horse. I've seen a lot of potentially very good breeders just give up and quit after such a setback which is really heartbreaking considering that most of them would probably have become top notch breeders if they had stuck with it.

I really hope that it all works out for you next season.

"It is not important how hard you can hit. What's important is how hard you can GET HIT and still keep moving forward!"--Rocky Balboa
Thanks for the comments from the rest of you guys!

Stars...I thank you but I seriously dought that. I know that there are a lot of people here with a lot more experience than me who have done more, seen more, and have been more places. I sometimes feel like I sit at the feet of Giants. I wouldn't find hardly anything in the field without my friends from FHF that I go out with, I probably would have never hatched my first clutch of corns without the advise from top notch breeders. You honor me, but I'm really just a little fish in a really big pond. Compared to some of the people I know, I'm just a beginning amatuer. I am seriously amazed (and often jealous) of other's accomplishments that I see practically every time I get online and start browsing through different reptile sites.

But I thank everyone and I'm glad that my photos are enjoyed. There are a few that I like but many of the ones taken indoors..copulations, feedings, etc.....I'm really not happy with because I don't feel that I've figured out my camera good enough yet to set the settings right for those lighting conditions and I'm hoping to improve on that with time and practice.
I am loving the Mexican Nightsnakes, can you tell us where you got them. I am just loving the pattern and resemblance to a corn. Am off to do research...
I love taking egg pipping shots! Hatching time is just the best time of year!! I love all of the surprises. Every year I get something that lets me know that I had more genetics than I thought I did at play and its just exciting to see what comes out next!

The Rattlers were really cool to find and observe in the wild. We found a lot more stuff...3 species of Garters, a Gopher Snake, Alligator Lizards, Short Horned Lizards,a Rubber Boa...the list goes on and on. It was an epic trip!

The Rattlers were all surprisingly docile and easy to work with also. I've worked with wild Cottonmouths, Copperheads, and Rattlers and not a single one has ever lived up to the nasty reputation that they have...but don't deserve. Hopefully I can get out and find some more stuff somewhere next spring before Colubrid breeding season kicks in full swing and I can't get out into the field. It's really cool just to get out sometimes and just see what's all out there in the wild.

Definitely! My snakes are both babies right now, so I am definitely living vicariously through everyone else's hatching shots. It's such an awesome and amazing process.

Cripes with your poisonous snakes! I would love to go field herping at some point, but the prospect of running into a cottonmouth, rattler or a copperhead makes me a little leery, even if they're docile. Major props for not being scared!
I am loving the Mexican Nightsnakes, can you tell us where you got them. I am just loving the pattern and resemblance to a corn. Am off to do research...

You don't really see many of the Psuedelaphe out in the pet trade and I'm really kind of surprised that they haven't caught on. Care for them is pretty comparable to a corn. Mine are both puppy dog tame and good feeders. I will attempt to breed them in the spring.

This summer I bought out another breeder's entire collection which included 11 Ball Pythons, the pair of Mex Nightsnakes, 16 Ball Python eggs, and a couple of racks. I had never even heard of the Mex Nights before entering this deal so I had to scramble on the research side of things! But the price was right and I really couldn't turn it down. The lady I got them from told me that they were produced by Rich Cunningham who I gather is an associate of Rusty's Balls.

Seeing as how I got these as part of this deal I have no idea where the market is on them or what the hatchlings would be worth. I figure that I'll wait until I see if I can breed them first before worrying about all of that stuff and then I'll probably just get in contact with Rich C and figure out what he sold them for.

I'm really excited to have the opportunity to work with these mainly because I haven't seen them availiable anywhere online and I got them purely through luck. The only known genetic morph of these guys is Anerytheristic....and that right there is enough to tell me that they really haven't been bred in captivity. There's got to be more in this species besides Anery.

Best of luck in finding some and with working with them! If you can't find any sooner, I may be able to help you out next year if all goes well.