Rich in KY
Fortunate Fool
WOW!!! Absolutely amazing pics!
You just have to be lucky to get some shots.
I agree! Hope you don't mind my sharing.
And some clarification, the deer, if you call them Edel hert, then that would be the Red Deer (Cervus elaphus). Though, the palmate antlers are new to me. Of course, I think they's like 8-9 subspecies, so it wouldn't be surprising if they were all a little different!
And I think it's neat how animals are called different names in different places. Buteo buteo doesn't live in the States, but looks very similar to the Short-tailed Hawk (Buteo brachyurus, I believe) which is found in some southern portions of North America. When we say Buzzard here (at least in the south), we're referring to the turkey vulture, a not-so-pretty feathered friend! xD
Is that a Alcedo atthis? That is awesome. It is high on my wishlist. This elusive bird also lives in Holland. But it is very rare and very hard to capture on photo.
No, actually I was wrong. We do have Edel hert in Holland. But these are 'Dam hert'.
Ah, okay! Then they're Fallow deer (Dama dama). Which makes more sense with those antlers. THOUGH, I did find a subspecies of Edel hert that frequently has the palmate antlers and even retains some spotting.
Gorgeous avian pictures! Love the Canada goose. Or what looks like the Canada goose... You're photography skills make me so jealous! :bowdown:
Love the Canada goose. Or what looks like the Canada goose...
Yep, that is the Branta canadensis. Awesome goose. I believe they are called a pest in England.
Unfortunately, I think they're believed to be a pest in a lot of places in America, too. I don't see them that often in Texas, except maybe flying over head!
And beautiful picture of Carduelis carduelis! I love his little red face!