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Stargazer looking for food


ACR Breeder # 787
This is my tester gazer, from Chuck and Connie. I dare say that her personality makes her one of my favorite snakes.
Not much seems to bother her, she is never cranky or scared. Food is, of course, her number 1 priority though!!


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WOW the first Tongue shot is amazing nice timing!
She seems to be very relaxed cool snake n nice pics thx for sharing!
Very beautiful snake, I love the bright colors that it has, looks like a very chill snake, which is of course something that I know everyone wants. ;P
I have one snakey that has no fear or bad mood what so ever.. it was born looking way premature and severely cone headed but it is a doll and doing quite ok! I guess these really are the specials, almost like they realise they got a rare chance to stay alive and are enjoying it to the max :)
LOL her tongue is out all the time. Mostly likely because she is trying to compensate for her inability to determine where anything is located visually. She seems to get irritated with herself at times, when she's having trouble with what's up and what's down.

And I think you're right Barbara, she knows she's got it made with her living conditions and really and honestly seems to appreciate it.
Poor girl, sometimes becomes confused about what is and is not food. That's when she really gets frustrated with herself.


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She's adorable :) I like the second pic, she looks like she's playing hide & seek or something :)

I should get a pair of SG's, to test out my lines, since I now have an SK.
How do you feed her? Do you use tongs or lay the mouse near her? For some reason I'm imagining a mouse in a deli cup on its side, but could she navigate it?

I was also just wondering if she often bit herself when I got to the picture of her doing so. Poor sweetie!
I feed her just like all of the other snakes, she's no different. She eats exactly the same, just sometimes upside down.
She just tends to get over excited when she smells the food and then that's when she starts acting a little wacky. But once she locates and begins eating the mouse, she's perfectly fine.
She doesn't bite anything hard enough to hurt, including herself. She's good about testing it before actually chomping down. It's quite interesting to see that she's intelligent enough to compensate like that.
She doesn't bite anything hard enough to hurt, including herself. She's good about testing it before actually chomping down. It's quite interesting to see that she's intelligent enough to compensate like that.
Its funny how she tests things and she is a tester herself.That sounds very interesting.Also sounds like Jimmy who will nibble on your finger.
I love all the pics she is cute:)