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Striped butter. . . .

Another Stud in Action

h0mersimps0n said:
So Don and Rich produced striped butters last year?

I thought Rich was the only one in the world to be blessed with such an amazing and amazingly rare triple het.

This the USA, everybody's got a chance!

Another stud male striped butter in action with a butter poss het for stripe, (yes) produced by me, owned & kept by Eric Bynum at [email protected] (photo by Eric B too)

Vic dC
[email protected]


  • dcp_1810.jpg
    59 KB · Views: 65
Stunning. . .

Thank you so much. I was dying to know what the adults looked like. If ya love yellow snakes as I do, ya just have to love over three feet of it Vs just the yellow of a hatchling.

That is a very beautiful snake!!!

Thanks, Vic. . .

It was a treat watching how intensely the butter motleys morphed so I have high expectations for the stripes. Rich's striped butters should be mature now. He needs to drag out the ole camera and treat our addictions.

Vic, you sneaky bugger. What else ya got hiding in those cages?

You're Right Don..

I'd love to see some of Rich's adults & what he thinks of 'em...but this time of the year is busy...

As far as what else is hiding in my cages, that's classified, brother. : )
