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stupidity or just plain blind


i dont know if it all has to do with instinct i mean my snake i odnt know why but if i feed her a large pinkey or a smaller fuzzy (shes about 2 feetlong) she just tries to choke it down and never constricts it anymore and i just dont understand it, i would think it would it would make it easier if he constricted them i mean they couldnt fight back then, so that is where i think that instince would come in??? and my snake has resentley been trying to fall from high places, i dont know if she is liek trying to find the floor but she would fall from my hands i just dont understand. and last she never drinks unless i hold her over the water and then she will go down for a drink... can you help me out herE???? :toiletgra :blowup: :grabbit:
As for the not constricting...its possible one of the mice could bite or even claw. i would recomend feeding frozen or stunning the mice before you feed your snake
Are you feeding live or f/t?? Mine don't constrict their f/t at all, they just go for the head and consume it. As for the water drinking, they drink, you just probably don't see it as most of them do it at night. :wavey:
I didn't see my snake drinking until SEVERAL weeks (couple months) after I had him. I've never seen him constrict.
Spirit said:
I didn't see my snake drinking until SEVERAL weeks (couple months) after I had him.

cav get over it you were wrong...anyone can act like a badass on the net. i'd like to see you say something to my face
bathing is super good and fun. for snakes and all* anyway, if your snake is alive, I'm sure it's drinking water, and sounds like you are feeding live mice right? try not to, buy frozen mice, then thaw them. I've had my corn constrict a pinkie before, for like a half second, I was holdint the pink, and when the okeetee took it I started to tug back very gently, then all of a sudden the corn wrapped around and started telling me to back off, seriously, she said "back off, this is my mouse"anyway, look :devil01:
when i hold the pinky and offer it to annabella, i shake alittle bit (not intentionaly) so the f/t pink vibrates, and she just tages it and golbles down, when i just put it in her feed dish she ignores its for a while then pokes it then looks at it then pokes it some more then eats.
Mangrove said:
i dont know if it all has to do with instinct i mean my snake i odnt know why but if i feed her a large pinkey or a smaller fuzzy (shes about 2 feetlong) she just tries to choke it down and never constricts it anymore and i just dont understand it, i would think it would it would make it easier if he constricted them i mean they couldnt fight back then, so that is where i think that instince would come in??? and my snake has resentley been trying to fall from high places, i dont know if she is liek trying to find the floor but she would fall from my hands i just dont understand. and last she never drinks unless i hold her over the water and then she will go down for a drink... can you help me out herE???? :toiletgra :blowup: :grabbit:
Wow! I had to read this 5 times just to try and figure out what you were saying. Anyway, here is my response based on what I think you said.
If your snake is 2' long, and you are feeding it a large pinky, or small fuzzy, and he? she?(kept changing) is trying to fall from high places. It is most likely looking for a way out to get the "main course". Needs bigger prey size. Also, the snake will drink when it needs to, I hardly ever see my snakes drinking.
mbdorfer said:
Wow! I had to read this 5 times just to try and figure out what you were saying. Anyway, here is my response based on what I think you said.
If your snake is 2' long, and you are feeding it a large pinky, or small fuzzy, and he? she?(kept changing) is trying to fall from high places. It is most likely looking for a way out to get the "main course". Needs bigger prey size. Also, the snake will drink when it needs to, I hardly ever see my snakes drinking.

hey im really sorry about the bad typeing. I was in a real rush last night, sorry if you had trouble reading it... i ahve to start proof reading :sobstory: