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Blutengel said:
Sorry, their genes are still the sexe they were born as... since cherub used it as an example of an impossibility to change genetics, your reply does not counter her's...

I believe what she (cherub) was saying, I'm not 100% on this and could never find that post again within this monster thread, that if the genetics were unchanged there was no way to make the male-->female transition or vice versa. In other words, there has to be a genetic change for a gender change. I could be wrong.
Either way, she is of course wrong on many accounts. Her statement is untrue applied to humans given todays "modern medical marvels" (say that three times fast), but is even less accurate when considering the rest of the animal kingdom. Although, I'm sure if you look around enough you can find plenty of hormonal changes that caused changes in humans without the help of medical doctors.
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Uh, I did not say cherub was wrong.. she is right about the fact that humans cannot change gender genetically (at the moment at least). She was only wrong using it as an example to explain why amels cannot turn into sunglows, cause this change does not require genetic changes.
The way I read it, the cherubic one thought 'sunglow' was a different snake genetically to an amel, and didn't understand that the expression of genetic potential is variable within a clutch or over time. As I have a snake with the genetic potential to become a green-blotched snow, and that's how she was labelled when I got her, that's how I refer to Diamond Lil. I do, however, have the capacity to understand that she may not develop the characterisic colouring, in which case I shall then call her a snow.
Anyone who has seen the variation in litters or clutches of animals they have bred themselves should understand this. Just ask anyone who has tried to get perfect 'dutch' markings in a rabbit or guinea pig, perfect markings are usually more likely to be acheived through line-breeding, but are in no way guaranteed.
By pure chance and dumb luck I bred 1 perfectly divided tortoiseshell marked guinea pig, but he was not show quality for his rosettes or confirmation, just a very pretty pet.
Diamondlil, that is how I read it too. So the example of gender change by genetics was not applicable to the amel to sunglow case.
Blutengel said:
Uh, I did not say cherub was wrong.. she is right about the fact that humans cannot change gender genetically (at the moment at least). She was only wrong using it as an example to explain why amels cannot turn into sunglows, cause this change does not require genetic changes.

I think there was a misunderstanding about what I meant by my post. And perhaps I misunderstood your's too. I wasn't necessarily trying to disagree or take issue with anything you said.
I was just trying to elaborate on how a statement like "if its genes don't change, it can't change" is incorrect, which is what I felt cherub was saying.

Obviously males and females have one obvious genetic difference, but amels and sunglows are identical at the most important of loci. So, cherub's original "analogy/comparison"(?) is just wrong, imo, to begin with.

That probably doesn't make much more sense, but I was up at 6:30a.m. this morning (which is early for me in the summer). :rolleyes:
I do think we agree and are trying to explain the same, so there is no use for us 'debating' this anymore :rofl:
Blutengel said:
I do think we agree and are trying to explain the same, so there is no use for us 'debating' this anymore :rofl:

Well, I don't know about that :grin01:

Just kidding. I agree with you. I think a part of me just wants to have something to fight about after missing out on the majority of this thread:D
gwb8568 said:
*whew*............i thought we were fixing to get into round 2..... :cry:

We could start a second round if you want. Blutengel and I seem to keep narrowly avoiding armed e-battles lately.:D
gwb8568 said:
i'm game...........we have had a day off. :roflmao:

I think there just needs to be a never ending controversial topics thread where we can always go to rant and debate about the most recent outrageous thing we've heard, rather than just periodic threads devoted to it. :)
zwyatt said:
I think there just needs to be a never ending controversial topics thread where we can always go to rant and debate about the most recent outrageous thing we've heard, rather than just periodic threads devoted to it. :)

i agree totally, just some section on the forum for peeps to vent their anger while remaining freindly afterwards.............. :cheers:
oh, I also think the rep button should have a choice between giving positive and negative feedback...so that when somebody says something totally outragous and half retarded, we can take away some rep
desertanimal said:
Second, I don't think a decided interest in toys needs any special explanations--hormonal or otherwise. But I think going on about them and making accusations about them in a group of people you don't know in a public forum dedicated to cornsnakes most certainly does.
Oh man...now I gotta read the whole thread to figure out what this is referring to!
cassandra said:
Oh man...now I gotta read the whole thread to figure out what this is referring to!
It's about dolphins. And um....erm.....blowholes. Yeah, that's it. :sidestep:

jazzgeek said:
It's about dolphins. And um....erm.....blowholes. Yeah, that's it. :sidestep:



and don't forget trolls................and firefighters............ :flames:
Oh goodness...that took me three tries at the computer to finish reading but I think it was worth it. Definately amusing to say the least...and all that talk of trolls and toys was great. Then again when I was little I remember people trying to behead my trolls so who knows... :grin01:
