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Sunkissed Ultramel Motley *Clutch #3*


False Prophet
The third clutch, (1st female doubled), of these started hatching a couple days ago, and so far two of five are out!
These are from Ultramel Motley het Sunkissed Anery X Normal het Sunkissed Sunglow Motley.

#1 Funky Mot


#2 Sunkissed Motley :shrugs:



I'll post more if anymore hatch! Thanks for looking!
Very cool, Joe! I really like #1!

Me too! That was the first one out, so I was hoping to get a couple more funky ones...

Number 1 is one cool looking snake! I really like it.

Wait till it sheds, it has some thick borders!

Hmmm... Maybe its a mot with strong het sk markers? :D Cool stuff!

I thought the same at first, but it's much brighter than the other normals/Mots from the first two clutches. Oh, and there aren't any random belly checks.

Very very interesting, Joe.

They need an emoticon stroking his goatee for that, lmao!
Well, they are pretty. "Interesting" does not negate that fact.

But seriously, Joe, you do have some very interesting projects going.
Joe, the markings on the first one are great! I used to think aberrant markings were ugly, now I LOVE them!
The goofy looking one is pretty cool, Joe.

Quit trying to rename my snakes, it's Funky :grin01: Thanks!

Yeah bro, I really like that funky mot!

Me too!

Well, they are pretty. "Interesting" does not negate that fact.

But seriously, Joe, you do have some very interesting projects going.

Thanks, just trying to make what I want... then getting sidetracked... then adding to the list... :laugh:

Joe, the markings on the first one are great! I used to think aberrant markings were ugly, now I LOVE them!

That's funny, I've always gone for the aberrant ones!