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Teach your children how to shoot...

I know. What exactly is Rich preparing for up there???

Have you seen the pictures of bears that I took wandering around on my property? Connie and I saw one on the road near Carrabelle, and it was quite large. I was actually surprised at it's size, as I didn't think black bears got that big. Apparently they can get large enough that I certainly don't want to rely on just a .223 or a .357Sig to stop it quickly if it decides there are munchies beyond the front door of the house. So I want something with STOPPING power.

Of course, if any two legged varmints kick the front door in some night, I would like to nip that in the bud as quickly as possible, too.
Probably zombies lol

Well, if any place will get zombies first, it will be Wakulla County, Florida.

Actually, now that I think of it, some of the people we interviewed to work for us with the SerpenCo business over the years just might have been "pre-zombified"....... :grin01: I remember one girl who was late for the interview and Connie found her wandering around the yard. She said she couldn't find the door to the building......... :roflmao:

And no, she didn't get the job.
I was very happy to find this thread :). My son, grandson (10) and I go shooting as often as possible. I started with a Mosquito Sport 3 years ago, and have collected several handguns and rifles since then. My favorites are my Colt Wiley Clapp Commander and my AR15. I got my CCW 2 years ago, then my Florida CCW shortly after that.

My grandson is very responsible and follows the same process Tsst mentioned, every time without fail. All guns are secured when not in use, and he is supervised at all times when we have them out for use. I feel better knowing that if he is ever exposed to a gun elsewhere, he is at far less risk than an untrained adult.

Exactly Casey, this is why I put my daughter through the gun safety course, even though she isn't into shooting as the rest of us are! I want her to know it, live it and use it through out her life even after she is out of the house.