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Tequila Sunrise Ghost, Hypo Plasma and more!!


Mitakuye Oyasin
A few more from my collection..

Sunkissed with unknown hets, 0.1

1.0 Bloodred ph Piedsided

0.1 Frosted Creamsicle

Her mate, if he ever decides to do the deed... Tequila Sunrise Ghost..

Couple more....
Bob.. 1.0 Ultramel Anery


And finally my 2010 1.0 Hypo Plasma.. From my Mystery Hypo het Lav Blood pair..

Trying to hide with his food..
They are all great looking, is your TS Ghost getting some pink to him? I think your Hypo plasma needs a girlfriend!
Zorro, I don't notice much pink in him.. I will look at him more closely and see.. He has changed quite a bit since I have had him.. And unfortunately, there was a female hypo plasma as well, but she was a non-feeder.. I have his mother for now, whenever he gets old enough..

Doogle.. No he is not a motley, it is the bloodred that gives him that patterning I believe.. His color has changed so much in just one month..

Thanks everyone...!! :)
I love it when Bloods only have "borders" around the curved ends of their saddles. It's a very pretty effect.

Your guy looks really red! I hope he throws some Pieds for ya. Who do you plan on pairing him up with?