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Tequila Sunrise Motleys (plus a project pair)


New member
My handsome pink Tequila Sunrise Motley male came through this year, and sired a large clutch of TS Motley Ultramel Aneries and Snows. One of several quirks of the TS line is that the motley form has very normal saddles and lateral patterning, generally looking like a non-motley except for the plain belly (and even then sometimes the aberrant checker is present). Nevertheless, they produce motleys when bred to a non-TS motley.

I've picked the nicest of the 2015 bunch to list here. I'm also offering a project holdback pair from last year, when I crossed my TS Snow Motley female to a nicely-patterned Anery Motley het Amel, to produce hatchlings geared toward "improving" the TS motley pattern. The odd stippling that characterizes the TS line (particularly visible when comparing TS snows to normal snows) carries over very well even when outcrossed, and I chose a pair with the most characteristic TS "look" as holdbacks. The two yearlings are also displaying the soft pink that runs in the TS line.

1.1 2015 Tequila Sunrise Ultramel Anery Motleys--$130 each
2.2 2015 Tequila Sunrise Snow Motleys--$120 each

(Pair prices will be the individuals' total minus $20.)

1.1 2014 Project Tequila Sunrise Snow Motleys--$250 (as a pair only)

Shipping is a flat $55, and I prefer PayPal at [email protected], though I will also take money orders. All of these hatchlings/yearlings are feeding on f/t.

First 5 pics:

TS Ultramel Anery female 2F
TS Utramel Anery male 3M
TS Snow male 2M
TS Snow male 6M
TS Snow female 1F


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Next pics are:

TS Snow female 3F
project TS Snow yearling male
project TS Snow yearling female (the hurried photos don't do these two justice)


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I sent a response to your PM. Yes, they're still available, though some may go in a shipment to Asia in a week or two. :)
I would like to know if the TS Ultramel Anery male or female still available I am very interested in one of these snakes? please if you don't mind messaging me if they are or if they are not. thank you (910) 584-7284