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Tessera Club!! Post Yours Too!!

I know He has Already appeared in this thread...but Seeing all these tessera's makes me wanna share one more picture Of Mercury, My Charcoal Tessera. Produced By Zorro at Colorado Corns. And Given to me As a Birthday Present by Nanci LeVake. Love Love Love this Guy!!! ;)

Awesome Tessy Rich !!
I've got Tessys in different colors that have tons of hets, but Charcoal is one that I don't have in homo or het.

I'm gonna have to see about obtaining one from somewhere.

:crazy02:BOUT' CORNS !!
My 2011 tessera girl



my 2012 tessera girl


Lol I'm in the group now to with Baskerville our '12 Charcoal tessera from John out at ColoradoCorns.

Well, I came to post mine but he's already made it here!

But I'll put some new pictures anyway.


Cool beans!
I'm super excited for this current Tessera clutch I'm working on! If the odds work out, I should have about 12-ish +/- Tessera's, in normal & Amel colors. Should be fun!!


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