Now this is the pheno I identify as a Striped Tess, or at least a possible Striped Tessera when we prove them out. They are just different than our regular 4-Lined Striped pheno. They are different in that they can be extremely pattern-less, or have 2 lines, with no side pattern much at all.
The Pin-Striped Tessera is Motley Tessera, but has been misidentified as a "Striped" Tess. My results are clear, due to the KNOWN genetics of my parents. Here are some examples of some possible "Striped" Tesseras I produced from Tess het Striped x Striped breedings. Not one single Pin-Striped Tess from two clutches.
From the clutches where Motley was in the mix, I produced my Pin-Striped Tesseras, or Motley Tesseras such as my Blue Motley Tesseras above. If they are not Pin-Striped with no side pattern much at all, they are not Motley Tesseras, JUST plain old Motleys.