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Tessera Club!! Post Yours Too!!

If I remember correctly, Steve Roylance produced some REALLY dark pewters or pewter tess. He mentioned he might breed the pair. Should be interesting to see how they turn out.

Ooh that's interesting. I had thought of pewter, and tess, but not pewter tess combined. Thank you!
Thanks Gary! Wow, she's really pretty! I wonder if the charcoal is so much darker just because it's also a stripe. Anyway, I have a better idea now of how they look as adults. Thanks everyone. :)
My baby 1.0 anery tessera (het stripe, 66% phet amel). It was the only tessera from a clutch of 6, but what a beauty... Too bad I can't keep him :(



Isoldael, that baby is superb!

Our new Charcoal male taken today indoors with flash.


And the new female.

320 male coral snow tessy
and 311 classic female


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Old School Bloodred female Baby C.


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He is a great looking guy, so happy I have him :D

@ZombieElite trust me I have enough females I can put him together with :p and honestly I don't like amels that much so that's a pass... Isoldael is hoping to get a Snow Tessera Stripe female so I'm hoping along with her that she gets one this year :)
Injured okeetee!

My 5 month Okeetee got out of her cage and I accidentally found her a few days later when I opened my closet door and she was squished between the door hinge. I didn't think she would make it through the night but she did and her vertebrae was protruding her body about 2/3 of the way down. It's been a week and a half since that happened and I have fed her and she has pooped. I have been told by multiple people that since she can't move part of her body I should have her euthanized but have also been told if she can poop I should let her live. I know I didn't post in the right thread but I'm new and need any advice I can get. Please help! I don't want her to suffer but I don't want to put her down if not necessary.. Thanks to anybody who responds.
That's a really tough call. I would certainly seek the advice of a veterinarian. I would want to eliminate as much suffering as possible for the animal even if that means euthanasia.
2014 Masque Ghost Bloodred Tessera (Male)

Isn't it interesting what the addition of genes like Masque and Bloodred can do to the Tessera Pattern.


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2014 Hypo Lavender Tessera

A first for me. I have seen other Lavender Tess, but are there any other Hypo Lavender Tess, maybe?


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