dave partington
Crazy Dave
So is the SuperForm called Buffy? :sidestep:
You hit the nail on his head, if nobody do a testbreeding nobody nows what happens, and this was one of the breedings done.I had more breedings planned but if they don't want to breed i can't help it.There is one clutch more to come Auratumstripe x ultramelmotley only 5 eggs.Thats easy to say now, after the breeding have been done.
Before this breeding was done nobody knew if combining buf and toffee would make some kind of superform if they would rule out each other or anything about the results.
You want to know what you are doing. That is reason enough for doing test breedings.
So is the SuperForm called Buffy? :sidestep:
Question to all the genetic proThe hole clutch from the breeding auratumstriped het caramel x orange het motley and caramel
Thanks, where do you liv i liv in holland in the south between weert en roermond.Even through there are may other ways to try to find out of those two genes are the same or not i think it was a good and interesting start.
I am sure those are the same for a long time now and I would also have helped with this when I just could get my hands on a Buf animal. But for now I didnt get one.