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The Best Lizard In Your Opinion?


I Love Herps!
Hey guys, While I'm still living at home, I can only get things with legs, and even this has conditions, so I can't get one for about a year.

ANYWAYS, I can get a lizard in a year! And I like doing a lot of research before I get anything, most especially when it breathes.

What's your favorite type of lizard to be a pet?
What are your opinions on bearded dragons?
What are your opinions on frilled dragons?
Any other types that make great pets are MORE than welcome to be mentioned!
Please mention if gender plays a role in temperament? (I know it does in Tegus?)

I'd like a lizard that has a GREAT personality, and easy upkeep (I can easily raise meal worms). Are fun to watch in their enclosure, fun to interact with, and as an added bonus I'd love to be able to take it places! (I've got a big purse lol)

I don't want one that gets as big as a tegu or an iguana, I'd like a medium-small size.

Please help guys! Tell me about your favorite Lizards!
As is obvious in this strangely formatted start for a thread, Off Topic is just fine here!
I'm voting for leopard geckos! So many lovely morphs (we've got a blizzard who is the prettiest pink girly you ever saw) but the wild-type with its spotting is adorable in its own right. Easy to keep, they don't need UV lights or veggies, they get really tame with handling and stay a smallish size.
We have:
A bearded dragon named Juju Bean. The start up is a lot but is really easy to take care of. Fresh veggies everyday and crickets. (basking light, UVB lighting) She has amazing personality. She loves watching cartoons.
2 leopard geckos named Lucy and Pepper. They have UTHs. They have a lot of personality and are a bit easier to care for than Juju. Adults require crickets every other day.

Juju Bean is my favorite but then again I am bias because she is mine. The leos are the kids an the gargoyle is my husbands.
A gargoyle gecko named Goliath. He requires no heat. Have to watch the temps so they dont go over 80 degrees. They eat crested gecko diet. They like to hide a lot. Not much personality like the leos and bd. But still cute as a button.
For a first lizard leopard geckos are a great choice! Easy to care for, and pretty laid back. They adapt to handling really well.

Bearded dragons are awesome, but they require veggies everyday plus rather specific lighting. They also adapt really well to being with people.

Crested and gargoyle geckos are beautiful and extremely easy to care for, but some are not super keen on handling. They make awesome display critters with occasional handling.

Frilled lizards are not totally what I would recommend as a first lizard. They are not bad, but they can have some issues. Many are wild caught/farmed imports and can be difficult to get going. I know many people keep them, but they are not on my list of starter lizards.
They don't really pee... it comes out with their poop. Juju Bean has only pooped on me once when she was a baby.

Leopard Geckos will pick one place in their cage and usually poop there. Juju bean also has one area that she seems to do her business in.
Beardies are wonderful, but very expensive to keep. My youngest was eating 100 dubias a day at four months old! Crested geckos are very sweet, same temp requirements as a corn snake, no uvb, don't have to eat live bugs.... Basically awesome little guys and easy to care for. Fat tail and leopard geckos are another good option.

Frilleds are definitely a more advanced species, though I love my Tyrion.
Could have been a fear pee.

After they settle in, most leopard geckos are very sweet. My girl Aggie crawls willing into my hand for a cuddle.
I could be wrong... I have never been peed on by one

Kyles leo Pepper loves to cuddle with him and will arch her back to meet his fingers when he pets her!
Really in my opinion the best one would be what you want to spend and what you want to be able to feed. Some lizards require a lot of light setup for uvb/uva, along with large roomy cages. The leos stay small and don't require the expensive light setups and eat bugs. Monitors for the most part get large, eat larger prey and according to more recent views than when I raised them, they don't need the lighting, Iguanas I wouldn't recommend as a pet as they can get large really aggressive and require the lighting. Bearded dragons are personable, stay smaller, do require the lights and come in many color phases.
But one of my personal favorites are still the fire skinks they have such personalities and I never had to pry one off my arm when it was having a bad day. lol
Okay' I'll want to get them as a baby, and it is really a toss up between the bearded dragon and the leopard gecko... maybe I could hide one XD
How expensive is the monthly upkeep of leopard geckos (and similar gecko species)?
How expensive is the monthly upkeep of bearded dragons?
For both those questions, it's upkeep not initial set-up!
Ooh, discussing future scale babies is fun!!
Ooh, fire skinks crotalis?
Are they personable?

They can be a bit nippy and are fast but mine calmed pretty quickly and would come out to eat when I messed around in their viv. There are also larger skinks that handle really well.
Leopard geckos need just crickets. So depending on how much you buy crickets for.

Bearded Dragons take both greens and crickets. We spend abotu 5-7 bucks a week on her greens. So about 25 bucks a month for just greens. We buy a cricket card which is 25 bucks a month for 500 crickets for all our lizards. But all ours are adults. Babies will require more crickets more often.
Leopard gecko: Insects every other day. If you can raise meal worms, then it is dirt cheap. Let's say $4 weekly for food. You also need a little jar of Calcium powered, we shall say $6 for a decent one. Mine have paper towels for substrate so $3-4 there.

Really less than $10-15 per month, if that, for a leopard gecko.

I'll let someone else chime in on the bearded dragons. I don't keep those myself.
For me I've got a couple of stores within walking distance with live bugs, so no travelling or postage costs for us, so probably around $8 a month spent on giant mealworms, mealworms and small locusts for Blossom. A tub of vitamins/minerals for dusting them lasts at least a year and the running costs on heating is negligible.......Blossom moved out with my youngest boy, I must visit her soon!
I didnt even think about the substrate. We keep ours on receiving blankets for the leos.

We use alfalfa pellets for substrate for Juju. That is 20 bucks every 2 months. We buy a big bag of it at our local feed store. But for bearded dragons as babies I would use paper towels or newspaper.