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The Great Escape!


Just see the truth
Seems like I lost the first hatchling I produce here at my facility
Sweet South Jersey Corns. It's just reaching adulthood and when off feeding. So I guessing it's in search of a mate.
If you happen to stumble into it please help it along.
He answers to Slick.
Here's a few pictures!! It's a combo bloodred, Amel, and heck!!

Slick checking out prices!!

Some bonding..

The the escape!!!
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That was your problem. You had him housed with a butter. It is common knowledge that hecks and butters should never be housed together.
That was your problem. You had him housed with a butter. It is common knowledge that hecks and butters should never be housed together.

Pfft.. I have no problem!! ( I'm just psycho!) I heard it's OK to do that from a small time breeder. (of snails) It was fine and healthy. (until there a problem) And butters are known to getting along with bloodred, amels hecks (pure BS).He (?never sex) is fine with other males. (stressed, needed to escape)
I will find him (loss forever!!) Just a matter of time. ( I stopped looking already) Thank you so much for your concern!! (Go buzz off !)
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I found him!!! I found him!!
Cheeky little bugger was outside Myah's viv trying to talk her into doing questionable things! I managed to nab him before he could make his escape and bring him to the shop. Here he is in all his glory!!


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I turned my back on him for just a minute, and he's GONE!!!!!!!!
I have torn this place apart and I just can't find him..... :(

I guess he got mad that I took him away from Myah, but what was I to do?
It's up to me to preserve her reputation, you know!!
Boy he is slicker than snot (he he I know bad) You did have to protect her honor. You did the right thing. I am sure he will turn up.
Well damn!! He is a slippery Slick fella huh, must be because he line-bred.

I hope is wasn't a bother and I glad he was able to see ya at lest.
He looks a tad thinner??
Shame he escape tho...he would of got good loving.
OMG!!!!!!!!!! I found a snake!!!!!!

So my pet hairless rat, Miss Bobo was telling me of a snake she seen running around my house. She said, "Momma he was red and thin and moved funny! I've never seen anything like it. And no matter where I went in the room he stared at me!" I didn't believe her until I was in my snake room cleaning and this lil snake tried to kiss me!!!!!! Ah! He introduced himself as Slick. Yeah he is slick alright. Because just like a man he kissed me, stole my heart, and than left me. Where oh where is my Slick...........

Good luck to the next who finds him. Tell him I'm I miss him *tear*


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So my pet hairless rat, Miss Bobo was telling me of a snake she seen running around my house. She said, "Momma he was red and thin and moved funny! I've never seen anything like it. And no matter where I went in the room he stared at me!" I didn't believe her until I was in my snake room cleaning and this lil snake tried to kiss me!!!!!! Ah! He introduced himself as Slick. Yeah he is slick alright. Because just like a man he kissed me, stole my heart, and than left me. Where oh where is my Slick...........

Good luck to the next who finds him. Tell him I'm I miss him *tear*

LOL Yeah..that would be Slick. lol I'm very glad to see he's all right!
Thanks for helping him out!! I hope he find someone just as nice as you. :)
So my pet hairless rat, Miss Bobo was telling me of a snake she seen running around my house. She said, "Momma he was red and thin and moved funny! I've never seen anything like it. And no matter where I went in the room he stared at me!" I didn't believe her until I was in my snake room cleaning and this lil snake tried to kiss me!!!!!! Ah! He introduced himself as Slick. Yeah he is slick alright. Because just like a man he kissed me, stole my heart, and than left me. Where oh where is my Slick...........

Good luck to the next who finds him. Tell him I'm I miss him *tear*

Oh I am so glad he turned up, he had me so worried!!
He is a Romeo, that is for sure!