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The Great Escape!

XDD Slick's gotten close! I better tighten up the security on Saga's viv; I can't afford any "yearling accidents", even if I were to get heck babies out of it! XD

There're a good few of us up here, all in pretty close proximity! I wonder who he'll visit next when he finishes sleeping off Heather's wine. lol
Slick wanted to see all the action, & asked to tag along when I went to work, before he resumed his travels.

So I brought him to work, & boy did he have fun. We arrived to see a large hazmat call in the city, when a tanker truck got roled when it tried to beat a train (that was going 5mph). That call lasted more than 8 hours. (Photo courtesey of local news channel).

Then I had a house fire & at the same time, I got call for a car into a pole, with entrapment, that resulted in a patient being air lifted. It was a busy day for 911 calls.

Slick didn't believe me when I told him he drank all my wine, so I had to show him the picture, for proof.


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Hahaha, Slick really gets around! Who'd have thought he'd ever get to go to a 911 call center? XD