Danes do stand more upright. Aussies are supposed to have more angulation, more range of movement to be able to make the quick turns and dives for herding.
For grins and because I wanted to compare them visually anyway, here are Sid, who I consider perfect conformationally (Green), Blue Girl 4 (Yellow), and Blue Boy 1 (Red).
First note how similar Sid (green) and Blue Boy 1 (red) are in conformation...
Blue Boy 1 is built almost identical to Sid, both have nice shoulder layback with good angulation of the shoulder and stifle that is even. The have a good tilt to the pelvis with a nice long croup and they have nice short backs (not too short, but short enough to be strong) and great chest in front and behind the front legs for good breathing capacity. They both have a nice wide base in the front and rear (narrow lines).
Contrast that to Blue Girl 4 (yellow).
She has a longer back/weak loin, she is upright in the shoulder and stifle with a narrow base in the front and rear. This puppy will not be able to use her front and hind effectively, leading to a short stride, lack of power from the rear, and a weak (long) back which may very likely lead to roaching as an adult.
Both pups show a slight roach right now, but at 7 weeks, they are too young and not strong enough to hold their rear ends together, so they hump the back. By next week, the toplines should level out.