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The most expensive corn you own

Maybe you should repost with the subject "The Coolest or Rarest Corn You Own." And a different thread, "My Favorite Corn." My answers would be different. Could have trouble coming up with a favorite...
Or maybe your real curiosity is "how high do they get?" I can tell you I've seen corns for sale as high as like $2000, way out of my range.. For the life of me, I can't even remember what it was..
Because I learned the hard way, the most expensive snakes I own are the two Petco snakes one amel and one normal. I paid even more for my pet shop Creamsickle. I have cooler snakes and cheaper from breeders. I agree with others the how much part isn't comfortable. I guess also the favorite part, because I like them all, one is a pussycat, one is fiesty, one challenges my feeding skills. They're all different and all likeable.
Please don't make a poll asking why do we like our favorite snake.
Hmm I don’t think the thread starter meant this thread in a way as if to say 'post the most expensive cause they are better and show how rich you are' its just fun to look at rare and the more unusual corns. The more expensive the snake the rarer its going to be (usually) I was looking forward to seeing some of these snakes too. But each to there own if you don't want to post then don’t post! :) Maybe the thread should have been titled 'The rarest corn you own' ?
Well how about everyone post pictures of there favorite snakes, or if money, space was not a issue, which snake they would loe to have. I love grey snakes so id say my favorite is my Anery A.


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The most expensive snake I own is my WC rescue Eastern Hoggy, Addy. She cost me about $200 to deworm last spring, and about $300 to treat her abcess in September, which isn't even healed up yet.
I don't keep anything too expensive (well the wife's Suriname redtailed boa wasn't cheap) but as far as snakes that have value I'd say my pair of Okeetee's are the most "valuable". More and more folks are getting into the whole "locality" thing so having snakes that trace their lineage directly back to the Okeetee Hunt Club property makes them "valuable", not in any monetary sense, but to be able to provide animals that have that lineage :*).
I don't think the thread was in really poor taste, though I understand why some people are opposed to the idea. I can see how you were curious, how you wanted to see some cool snakes, and how you may have wanted to get some idea of the cost of some high-end stuff.

But I'll tell you, from an unemotional point of view, the corn market can make it difficult to assign values to some corns. I've purchased expensive hatchlings that are only half as valuable now (or less), despite the fact that they're proven adults! Then I have some combos that aren't really on the market yet, so it would be tough to put a price tag on them.

The most valuable corn is the one that is closest to your heart... :puke01: ;)
LoL that was so corny it was cute, I have a called you a dork lately? Haha how's my Big Earn haha
Hah! You haven't called me a dork lately, but other people have made up for it. ;)

We can't discuss Earn here. He has little monetary value. :grin01: Big Earn will be out of brumation in about a week. Then he'll be paired with Stephanie Kunder's (blckkat) Keys-ish stripe (I have her on loan). That should make him happy-- he's an '03 and he's still a virgin...
LoL awww poor Big Earn, he needs some loving from a lady snake. He should have some awesome offspring tho. He's still my fav out of your collection.
Easily and unashamedly posted! I have only one cornsnake, wonderful animal name of Cheerio. Cost me $30 US, included her first home, UTH, and some really dumb astroturf.


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Alan, that picture reminds me of this one, and he's also my favorite. This is Holden, my first corn. I've put this up before...
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Cool snake in the grass, Tom. Looks like a hunter.
That pic of my Cheerio is my favorite of her, I've posted it here a couple of times, also.
My most expensive snake is FinFang.

Yep, the lady I got him from breeds for...fun, if that's the right word. She didn't want any money for him, and instead asked I donate to reptile rescue. I was touched by the gesture.

He is probably the most expensive normal you'll ever meet.
: 3
Dean blatherd off with the following nonsense..

Then I have some combos that aren't really on the market yet, so it would be tough to put a price tag on them.

The most valuable corn is the one that is closest to your heart...

I agree with the first part... But well, I totally agree with Rena on the last.. Your such a dork.. As a matter of fact I feel like :puke01:

Regards.. Tim of T and J
I think it's funny because the snakes I paid the most for are probably my least favorite, and not all that exciting to look at... they're my most expensive because I got them as adults (creams het stripe). NOT saying they weren't worth it; I don't regret getting them one minute and they've more than repaid their cost! Just that since I did not raise them, I'm not as attached to them, and now that I've gotten several cream stripe keepers from them, there's not much interest project-wise.
It's been a cool experience and I don't plan to sell them soon, but I'm sticking with getting babies from now on. ;)
Well, my favorite snake is hard to bick. I thin my amel stripe is my favorite when it comes to color, but their all incredable in their own way.

As for most expensive, my golddust het motley (was possibly a ultra caramel) wis the prize. I got him as a two year old. That was hard for me to get the money for, but it was worth it. hes gorgeous.