Wow, yes!, the town of Hatteras is pretty darn south alright..LOL!. I would expect some to be around there for sure,...hmm,.....yeah, that is pretty strange. Yes, as you said, Ocracoke is pretty damn desolate for a good portion of it. I have heard that from others too, and looked at it from google earth, and alot of it seems pretty sparce. I understand these snakes are very much denizens of the salt marsh. I read a VERY interesting personal story regarding these snakes that you will no doubt find very interesting if you and Connie should venture there to take a look around. I will PM that portion to you though, as it would be much more detrimental to their protected existence if everyone on the planet knew what I have found out regarding them.
BTW, I will keep that turtle pond by Buxton in mind if I ever get up that way again,...thanks!
Also, what exactly did the ratsnake's phenotype look like that you found on Hatteras?, was it a fairly typical Black phenotype?, or could you detect any intergrade "greenish" rat (yellow x Black) influence from what you can recall?