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this is photoshopped right ?!?!

Addendum, still thinking about the area and I recall find a DOR canebrake rattlersnake around the Salvo area one time. Pretty animal with an astonishing orange stripe down the back.

AWESOME!,....because I have also read that canebrake's might also be found there along with the other fauna I mentioned, but didn't want to assume too much as just plainhearsay or speculation. You just verified this for me and that is quite interesting to know!


Wow, yes!, the town of Hatteras is pretty darn south alright..LOL!. I would expect some to be around there for sure,...hmm,.....yeah, that is pretty strange. Yes, as you said, Ocracoke is pretty damn desolate for a good portion of it. I have heard that from others too, and looked at it from google earth, and alot of it seems pretty sparce. I understand these snakes are very much denizens of the salt marsh. I read a VERY interesting personal story regarding these snakes that you will no doubt find very interesting if you and Connie should venture there to take a look around. I will PM that portion to you though, as it would be much more detrimental to their protected existence if everyone on the planet knew what I have found out regarding them. ;)

BTW, I will keep that turtle pond by Buxton in mind if I ever get up that way again,...thanks!

Also, what exactly did the ratsnake's phenotype look like that you found on Hatteras?, was it a fairly typical Black phenotype?, or could you detect any intergrade "greenish" rat (yellow x Black) influence from what you can recall?


I really don't remember much about the rat snake except that it was a young one, and therefore had the typical pattern of all of the obsoleta lines as youngsters. So no telling what it would have turned out looking like as an adult. Obviously it wasn't all that exciting looking, since it didn't make a very big impression on me. I pretty much just picked it up, looked it over, and turned it loose again all in the space of about a minute.

Has anyone collected any corns from Hatteras? I'd be curious to see if they diverged any from the norm on those barrier islands.