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Today I found out lots aobut my snake, started out with a trip to the old Pet shop


Well I have had my snake since the end of November now, so I took him back to the store I purchased him from. Radical Reptiles owned by Mr. Tim Curran. He is a widely known herpetologist that I was lucky enough to be able to buy my creamsicle corn from. He had that store and profession for 17 years, I consider him an expert. He told me that I Owned a very healthy great looking male, which was much to my surprise because I believed it to be a female. But I mean hey’ we learn something new everyday.

I was also informed that these creamsicles he bred were very good ones and he said when it gets further into summer that my corn should be shedding every 2-3 weeks and should double in size. I was also very happy to hear this because he said he has had a few 5 footers come from the same parents; and as far as I know 5-foot corns are not very common anymore.

He also told me that he might be ready for a hopper, because he said if your corn comes right back out after feeding then it means they are still hungry, and I should try to feed 2 fuzzies and then if they work go to a hopper. I was very relieved to hear this because I have just bought 25 fuzzies and 25 hoppers online, therefore now I can change up what he is eating.
Hectorthesnake said:
That's cool...
But I wanted to ask you a question...How much bigger are hoppers than Fuzzies?
dude. let me say this again.

start your own thread if you have questions unrelated to the thread you're posting in. I'm not trying to be annoying, but you'll get far more responses because people will see that you have a question.
Why not?

It got your attention this time, didn't it? And it doesn't bug me, I'm just trying to give you some friendly advice. I'm sorry that offended you, I'll try not to give you friendly advice from now on :bowdown:
Fuzzies are mice that are covered in short hair, have their eyes closed and are still nursing. They are about half the size of hoppers. Hoppers have their eyes open and have been weaned from their mothers teats. They are still small and about half the size of the adult mice. But, that is all relative because they are all constantly growing and there are sizes in between the categories of course.

So, how did the store keeper sex your snake? Did he probe it while you were there? Just wondering.

Also, 5 foot corns are really not that unusual. I have a 5 year old male wild type that is 58 inches, had a female that was 63 inches, and have a friend with two older snakes over 60 inches, and have seen numerous Corns over 5 feet in the last 10 to 12 years. They do tend to keep growing throughout their life so it shouldn't be unexpected.
My 1½ - 2 year olds are up around 4' long already, so I don't think they'll have much trouble hitting 5' in their lifetimes...perhas in the next 3 years even. I think what he might have meant is that 6 footers are not so common.
Thats great that you got a little background advice. My male is over 5.5 foot but I have to agree that I have not seen a snake that is bigger than him yet (a corn snake that is). His is a male though and they do generally grow bigger than females. Good luck in raising this little guy :crazy02:
Yeah, he did not probe it he just knew by looking, like I said prior to this post he has had this profession for 17 years and he can tell just by eye. I didn’t know that 5 footers were so common; I guess we do learn something new everyday. And hectorthesnake Trpnbild id not trying to be mean, I use to do the same thing and tag a question onto a prior post but sometime you have to wait weeks to get it answered that way. Therefore it is better to stat a new thread or just do the research yourself; I know it is more time consuming but you will find the answer quicker.
How old is your snake? I've always read that visually sexing a snake was uneffective when it was less than a year or so old...
I bought him towards the end of November, so I would guess he would be about 5 months old or so.

But I am confident in Mr. Tim Curran that he is correct in his sexing. I told him I would bring my snake back up in about 6 months or so and he said he would see if he had any probes and try to find out a definite sex for my corn. But I mean it really doesn’t matter, I am most likely not going to breed with this corn, and no matter what you name it when you call him he is not coming.
As far as "visually" sexing snakes is concerned, I guess you have the chance of being 50% right, but the only reliable way is to have them probed by an experienced vet or keeper who has the proper probes (the ball type are the best and safest). Some people consider me an "expert", but I would never sex a colubrid visually and stand by that identification. It is just not a reliable enough method, unless you are psychic I guess. lol

Popping is also a good way, but that again takes being shown how by an experienced person and a little bit of practice, however there is still the chance for error.

I usually wait until my corns are around 24 inches before sexing them. That way I'm assured they are big enough to correctly sex with the probes because the sex organs are maturing and the chances of accidental injuries are more remote. A number of breeders will sex theirs when they are smaller, but they have sales in mind and want to be able to sell a female or male when ordered by the customer. I have talked with a few and they will admit that they do make mistakes on sexing when the snakes are so young, but none will admit to injuries to young snakes caused by probing underdeveloped neonate snakes. :wavey:
Actually, I had a large female Bull snake for almost 20 years and she used to come when I called her. I called her by drumming my fingers on the ground or on the floor and she would come to me like a dog. So you see, it is possible. :)
True, True

Yes that is true, But Tim Curran has been with snakes his whole life, he has been breeding looking at and sexing for more than 17 years. I know it really doesn’t matter what the sex of my snake is, but if I were going to believe the sex from anyone I would believe it from him.

My snake is about 2 feet now and about as think as a nickel or so...

My snake also comes when I tap on the glass or floor, but that is because there is a movement and they respond to movements thinking it is food, But if you vocally call s/he its problem not going to come lol