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Totally distraught


New member
So, I'm hanging out with Medusa who's in a good mood after her first poop from first meal after a big ole shed. I'm loving her and amazed at how big she's getting- loving the way she's tickling the back of my neck with her exploring.

Then WILBUR the terror chihuahua decides to hop in my lap and show me some LOVE- AGGRESSIVELY- LOVE ME NOW- SEE HOW CUTE I AM??? and, distracted by the beast for a moment, I've lost track of where Medusa is exactly.

I have ripped my living room apart. I literally ripped the rug out and threw it out the front door looking for her and I can not find her. We have three evil little kitties and I'm so upset to think I've lost her forever.

We'll try luring her with pinkies and I will search deeper, but I'm so afraid I'm not going to see my little girl again.

So sad :crying:
Sprinkle flour along the edges of the room..you might be able to track her that way...cover the vents so she doesn't go down and keep a close eye on the other pets...I found ours watching my cats...one went weird and lo and behold he was tracking our Bubblegum. YOu could make some pop bottle traps too.

Good luck...many members have lost their wee ones and found them again.
That's what I've been telling my 9 year old. She woke up pouting and crying b/c Medusa is missing.

I'll do the flour on the floor thing, watch the cats, for sure, and soda bottle traps. *fingers crossed*
I am very sorry you've lost your snake! I have had that happen once before.

One method that I have seen work more then once is: put masking tape around your house- along the base trim in your rooms (hopefully you do not have forced air heating, as if you do she could have gone down the ventilation- this is what happened to mine) at night when your snake does some exploring, she will get stuck on the tape- usually they like to stay along the walls when they move about. The tape comes off easily without damaging the scales.

Please let us know if you find your little one!
Keep in mind they like warm places, when we lost ours in the living room I found him a week later in between my photo albums. Another escapee was hiding in the linen closet on the floor between two comforters. Mind you we don't have any cats but both those hiding places a cat couldn't get to anyways. We also had a juvi missing for a month, when we found her she didn't look like she had lost any weight at all. They are survivors, I'm sure you'll find it. Keep a close eye on the cats though.
Keep looking in the area that you were. Make sure you check out the chair or couch real good. Medusa is probably going to head for the warmest area in the room. If you have any radiators or such, check around them too. Keep looking!

Keep looking in the area that you were. Make sure you check out the chair or couch real good. Medusa is probably going to head for the warmest area in the room. If you have any radiators or such, check around them too. Keep looking!


Being wrapped up in a chair or couch would also be my guess...it seems to be a place most small animals, including snakes, like to gravitate when things like this happen. But other than that...I hope you find the snake...might want to kill the dog as well, just because ;) just playing.

Like they all said--just keep looking. The flour trick worked for us when we lost one of ours. We could tell he was in one of two rooms. We dug around a bit and sure enough his tail was hanging out under a door. Not very good at hiding apparently!

Good luck!
I'm still looking for my Vera... I think I will find her once my roommate moves out. Unless she found a way into the walls somehow....
I've had a few runaways (corns and BPs) over time, and luckily they were all found intact... one in the closet under some clothing, one on top of a bookshelf, another squeezed behind a dresser, and finally Dash who hid in the dashboard of my car for 3.5 weeks. As you can see from where I found mine, they like dark, tight & warm spots - so keep looking in those types of spots. Oh, and if you see the cat looking interested in a particular area, definitely look there. Good luck!!
I didn't read all the responces...but here is my big hint and how I found one of my lost babies.
Watch your pets. If they find something behind or under something...facinating. Bark or meow at something, stare at a corner...go look. They will find your snake before you do. Just watch them.
My little yappy dog found one of mine...she cornered him and was barking and staring, but did not hurt him.
good luck!

I found one after 3 months and another after a whole YEAR! And she was fine! Don't give up!
My adult escaped once, I found him in my computer pack pack right next to the tank! He went about 8" from his tank.
Thanks everyone! I don't want to seal any vents because I think she's either in there, or in the chair or sofa...

I'll put out a trap this weekend when she should be good and hungry. Whippet- I'm sure you're right about my other pets finding her before me. I have one cat who is absolutely fascinated with the snakes and I have this fantasy that she will find Medusa and gently bring her to me, or come get me and show me where she is. I do listen to my pets, and they often tell me things or show me things.

I have another fantasy about the cats, however. And that is not a thought I care to entertain...
At one point I lost my rabbit, and could not for the life of me figure out where she was hiding. I wasn't too worried since she free ranges a lot when I let her out and usually comes back quickly enough. That being said I really had somewhere to go, so I grabbed my Australian Shepherd, and he found her literally in less than 10 seconds.
You want to not destroy the room too much. That will scare the poor thing. When I loose snakes, I just watch the house and really go about my normal business but just keep a sharp eye out. Most of the time snakes hide in warm dry places. Look behind the computer!
I had a texas rat snake high orenge phase get out last summer, was missing for like 2 weeks. That bastard was up in the walls and rafters. While walking in the basement i seen him hanging off so wire on the rafters. so dont give up! BTW thee are 2 dogs and 6 cats in the house and not a scratch on him!
OK, new problem... we're getting a new sofa delivered tomorrow. Any ideas on how to safely examine the old sofa before tossing it? (trashed, we can rip it up but how to do that carefully???)