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Two Gray Treefrogs (Hyla versicolor)


New member
According to my mother, these two live in the potted fern on the porch. It's been pretty cold this week, so I was surprised to see them last night, but then I remembered that they produce their own "antifreeze" for the winter. I think the color range in these guys is pretty neat.







Yup, they find a rock, a log, or some leaves to hide out under. Then their liver converts glycogen into glucose (glycerol in gray treefrogs) which is pumped into their organs to prevent ice formation, but portions of their body cavity can tolerate the formation of ice crystals.
Very cool animals. I don't know about grey tree frogs, but the tree frogs in the North East have the most amazing calls. They sound like tropical birds of some sort. Very cool. Nice pics!
They look like Cope's gray treefrogs to me...and seeing as you live in Minnesota, I would say I'm right ;). When I lived in Wisconsin we always had several of these guys hanging out on our front door every evening. Pretty cool looking frog...especially with how much their skin pattern changes with age. It's incredible how loud their call actually is as well. I kept one in an exo-terra for several weeks in my room, and when he made his croaking noise, I could hear it on the other side of the house very easily.