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ugh, cornsnakes are mean. . .


New member
how should i know i don't own one! But every single petstore i've gone to the employee says "i will not hold the corn snakes. They nip everyone" AHHH that's not what I like to hear! What's going on?? There was one lame petstore that had 2 corn snakes. They were older. I held them, they seemed alright. One problem. They want 100 dollars for a freaking corn snake! They're nothing special mind you! just your common corn! WTF ugh i'm just kinda bummed about my selection options. It's all fail :/ those gargoyle geckos are looking better now haha
All corns are not mean! I would strongly suggest you look at the breeders on here, I think some are in your area. When you buy from a petstore the snakes are typically not handled much. You have a better chance of getting a higher quality, healthier, snake that has been handled. Some hatchlings are more spastic but they are young and are still in the mind set that everything is out to eat them but typically they will calm down with handling and age.
Why not make your way to either the Pittsburgh or Steel City reptiles shows?

Better selection, better prices.
how should i know i don't own one! But every single petstore i've gone to the employee says "i will not hold the corn snakes. They nip everyone" AHHH that's not what I like to hear! What's going on?? There was one lame petstore that had 2 corn snakes. They were older. I held them, they seemed alright. One problem. They want 100 dollars for a freaking corn snake! They're nothing special mind you! just your common corn! WTF ugh i'm just kinda bummed about my selection options. It's all fail :/ those gargoyle geckos are looking better now haha

for one thing, why are you considering buying from a pet shop?
Baby corns CAN nip. In nature virtually everything wants to eat them and they know it!! But some are really sweet and almost all of them calm down by the time they are adults.
Pet shops sometimes co hab and reccomend new snake owners to do the same....HUGE no-no!! Plus the snakes could have mites or other health problems and might not even be sexed when you get it!!
And why buy from a place that won't even hold a snake?
Plus pet shops are wayyyy overpriced.

Even after shipping costs, a snake from a real breeder is worth every penny!
Monroeville had a really decent reptile show when I lived there. And there are breeders in your area. I really miss going to Elmer's Fish store there.
hehe i know, I hate getting stuff from petstore but honestly I tried searching all over for some breeders locally. I haven't had any luck. I was going to go to the reptile expo on May 16th but of course I can't now because of other arrangements. That left me with having to go with the petstore :/ Anyone know any breeders in the Pittsburgh Area?? I don't mind driving to look at the snakes. If there are none local i will honestly buy and pay for shipment of a nice Okeetee or something. It'd end up costing the same as the petstore anyways.
I think I'm gonna faint!

My snake from petshops.
1) They were in display tanks with bright light.
2) They had very open hides so you could see them.
3) They had adults and children alike pecking on their glass all day long.

Held before I bought her. She were very terrified and tried fleeing. She nipped at me a couple of times. Once home and settled in she calmed down 100%

Hatchling bites do not hurt at all. You can't even feel it. If you didn't see the snake bite you wouldn't even know it bit you lol. By around 6 months old or so you can start feeling the teeth but it feels a like velcro. By 1 year old it hurts a little bit and may draw a little blood.
Been bit by a 4 year old adult on feeding day...was uncomfortable, but didn't bleed. And she held for a while. Lol. But I have gentle snakes even when their hungry.
thanks for your help guys! I will check out the guy in butler if I can. I emailed the breeders in PA. One is actually in Erie, where i go to school! but if this doesn't work I've decided to pay for an Okeetee (what i really want) on http://www.cornsnakes.net/gallery.php?catid=5&id=267

this seems like a great deal, best I can find, and the shipping is locked at 35 bucks! I emailed the guy he was very nice and said they usually sell a few a week and will definitely have some when I want one. He also said they never sell snakes that bite and don't seem "tame". I know there's still a chance of biting, I'm not worried about it I just didn't want to buy a snake that was already mean. Anyone have luck or bad results with South Mountain Reptiles?? Thanks guys! :)
thanks for your help guys! I will check out the guy in butler if I can. I emailed the breeders in PA. One is actually in Erie, where i go to school! but if this doesn't work I've decided to pay for an Okeetee (what i really want) on http://www.cornsnakes.net/gallery.php?catid=5&id=267

this seems like a great deal, best I can find, and the shipping is locked at 35 bucks! I emailed the guy he was very nice and said they usually sell a few a week and will definitely have some when I want one. He also said they never sell snakes that bite and don't seem "tame". I know there's still a chance of biting, I'm not worried about it I just didn't want to buy a snake that was already mean. Anyone have luck or bad results with South Mountain Reptiles?? Thanks guys! :)

I personally have not done business with Don S...yet...but he has a fantastic reputation and is one of the best breeders out there. I do have one of his that I bought off someone else, and she is a favorite around here!
I only have one snake from Don at SMR but he is one of the most prized and beautiful snakes in my collection! Don is absolutely wonderful to work with and i am positive you won't be disappointed.