Exactly my thought, Shiari. Plus, Ghosts are pretty variable... There's one at a reptile shop in my area that is completely an extremely, almost whitish, light gray. Almost like he descended from Silverqueen lines. In other words, just like there are ghosts that are so dark they look JUST Anery, there can be ghosts so light they almost look like they should be snows. Anyway, you're more likely to get nice ghosts than hit a "jackpot" of hets that would land you with Ultramel Aneries.
You'll have to test it out to be sure. Breed the offspring to an Ultra/Ultramel animal that you KNOW does NOT carry Anery or Hypo. You won't get any spiffy Ultramel Aneries (should this prove to be Ultramel) by removing the Anery, but it'll create less confusion. There's other ways of going about the test breeding, but that's the first one that comes to my mind. =)