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Ultramel Anery verses Ultra Anery?

This is somewhat of a dumb question too, but with the ultramel anery to ultramel anery pairing, will any of the 25% snows be het for ultra?

I think I'm still pretty firm on getting that pair, but my brother told me that if I still wanted them 6 months from when I got the first one, that he would buy them for me! Don't I have an awesome brother? But that does give me about 4 months to talk him into buying one for himself too, possibly a snow. Are there any other morphs that would work well with a ultramel anery? I do have a practical objection to pruducing to many snows, as the pet stores around here get about half snows or more in their shipments. I think I'll be able to sell a few of them, because whether or not I can get someone to teach me how to pop a snake, I will be able to candle them.
No, the 25% would be regular snows. 3/4 will have the appearance of ultramel aners. 1 out of 4 with actually be ultra aners, but it can be near impossible to tell ultramel aners from ultra aners. Some ultra/ultramel morphs can be told apart as babies, but I'm not convinced you can do that with ultra/ultramel aners. The male/female differences seem to be greater in many cases than the ultra/ultramel aners.
From memory I believe that Don said that he think he can tell them apart in the first few days up to about a week (the exact age may be a bit off) but after that it becomes more difficult. I believe the method he was using to identify them was the eye colour.

Yes, this is a method used in ALL Ultramel/Ultra combinations. Weather it be Ultramel Caramel or Ultramel Lavender, the Ultramels are going to have a more "Ruby" colored pupil, where the Ultras will have a black pupil as you can see.
Here is a pic. I took of a Ultramel Anery (Top) and Ultra Anery (Bottom).

Joe Pierce has a great thread about the differences in Ultramel vs. Ultra combinations.

:crazy02: BOUT' CORNS !!


  • males.jpg
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Here is a link to the thread I mentioed above by Joe Pierce. It is VERY infomative about the differences in Ultramel and Ultra and pay close attention to the eye color in comparison shots.


Well for some reason this site will not allow a link to another site for you to obtain the information and removes part of the URL so the link will not work. If you are interested in reading/seeing this info type cornsnake source .com
( but all together of course ) in your address bar. Then page down to the Forum section. Find forum Corn Snakes Alive!, which is Joe's "OTHER" forum. Once in his forum look for thread titled Ultramel vs. Ultra.

:crazy02: BOUT' CORNS !!
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I'm gonna watch that this year, Walter - thanks. I'm fairly sure I've seen that darker pupil coloration in female ultramels that could NOT be ultras, though. I will definitely pay closer attention since I wasn't specifically looking for that in terms of ultra/ultramel again, and so I'm not confident that my memory is as accurate as I would like it to be. Thanks again.
Ultra and Ultramels

I have seen the eye color vary from black all the way to amel looking in ultramels,others have stated that wasnt there results. Also I have heard from others that there ultramels eyes turn black when they are adults,although I have some that did .I also have some them kept looking amel looking eyes as adults.The results that I got were from reliable breeders so that kinda makes me wonder if there maybe two forms of ultra floating around.Although it may just be affecting other morphs differently.
I'm also going to pay closer attention to eye color BY SEX in each morph, too. As with ghosts, I've found you can generally "sex" the ultramel aners by phenotype. Adding in ultras and sex to the mix, may cause some of the differences we seem to be seeing across the country? Shrug? I don't know.

OH, and I'm NOT implying that you can always sex ultramel aners by color (females tend to be darker) yet. This may turn out to be the case, but I want to see a few hundred more before I say it may be a fairly iron clad rule....or at least as reliable as in ghost. We know that ghosts - especially older ones - are EASY to sex in most cases via coloration. I am not surprised it looks like this MIGHT be the case with these, too. Again, I'm saying MIGHT.....when someone quotes me in six months, I don't want them saying i said you COULD ID them by color.....lol.
Thank you Walter, for the pictures!
I had another question, just to make sure I'm understanding the genetics. Breeding a ultramel anery X amel would get some snows & some ultramels right? Would their be any that are just amel? Or would they all be ultra? I know that ultra is co-dom to amel, but don't really understand how that affects things? What would be the % of one or the other? Thanks for all the replies!
Thank you Walter, for the pictures!
I had another question, just to make sure I'm understanding the genetics. Breeding a ultramel anery X amel would get some snows & some ultramels right? Would their be any that are just amel? Or would they all be ultra? I know that ultra is co-dom to amel, but don't really understand how that affects things? What would be the % of one or the other? Thanks for all the replies!

If your amel isn't het for aner, you'd get 50% ultramels and 50% amels. All would be het aner. No snows.

If the amel IS het aner, you'd get haf of your ultramels and amels as ultramel aners and snows, respectively.
Oops! I just reread my post. I was thinking something about snows, most have wrote them down & didn't even catch it! Just goes to prove people shouldn't multi-task...LOL.
Thanks for your answers though, I'm dyslexic(sp?) & am a slow learner with some things, like genetics. But eventually I'll get a good grasp of them!