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Unusual (non scaly) pets?


New member
Who here has exotic (unusual) pets???? I'm curious to see who has what. I currently have a hedgehog, and am looking into getting a ferret. Just wondering who has what, and your experiences with them. :)
Had a ferret a while back, great little things, very cute and funny. But they do bite >.< and they do smell, regardless.
Currently i have:
a puppy ... we all know what puppies are like !

1 sun conure (parrot) - very loud but an entertainer none the less

1 mimi lop rabbit - a pain

a hamster and mice - stinky rodents

1 leopard frog

1 spring peeper and a couple of toads

1 snapping turtle (hatchling)

a couple of anoles (pain in butt)

a 100 gallon and a 55 gallon with african cichlids - extremely fun to watch.

Overall my favorites are the snapper and the fish.

We have about 15 Koi Carp, and my personal favorite a Stergeon...funny how everyone seemed to think they were related to sharks :grin01:
I have a red eared terrapin and a pair of chinchillas :)

Plus Im thinking of ferrets in the near future. Or a chipmunk!
Tula_Montage said:
I have a red eared terrapin and a pair of chinchillas :)

Plus Im thinking of ferrets in the near future. Or a chipmunk!

Ahhh totally forgot the aquariums. We have some blue lobsters in one of them :) And many other fancy fishies!

And the scorpions... Oh dear too many too remember. I will have missed something out.
I have a collie-cross called Jasper, my breeder rats, and I keep praying mantis'. Jasper is my bestest buddy and follows me everywhere apart from work. My rats give me endless hours of amusement. My mantis' don't really do much but I'll never get tired of watching them feed. Butterflies and moths are my prefered prey as they can't bite back and get caught quickly. Oh, and sometimes the adult males will take flight in my room.
JTgoff69, where did you get a hedgehog from? Did you rescue it or something? I've never heard of anyone having a pet hedgehog, but can understand why some might like to keep them. I get them in the garden occasionally and they're so cute.
Do Hairless Rats count as exotic? I just had my second sucessful litter of hairless rats. They are so cute and ugly at the same time. The babies have hair and then it falls out when they get to be about a month old. I have my mice and a cat. Nothing really special though.
I have sugar gliders, two aquariums, two dogs and my snakes.

I used to have three baby squirrels, three baby bats, a degu, 4 ferrets, and a rabbit. The squirrels were rescues that I was helping to raise until they were old enough to fend for themselves (I was working at a shelter when I was 14...Their eyes weren't even open when I got them). The bats weren't with me very long....just kept them until they were strong enough to get away and stay out of danger.

There is a lady in Illinois who breeds and sells hedgehogs. Hedgehogs By Vickie
I have a fiance and a cat...not sure which one is woolier...and they both bite.

Very high maintenance. =)
Here are some pictures of 2 praying mantis I have had. I kept the chinese. The other is a local species that I released right away. She was angry at my cat and flaired her wings which were very pretty as they were striped with red and white. The widow was something I kept a while back. Rather large for widows. I see a lot of them at my work. Most are immature and I use the oppertunity to educate people on identification since everyone seems to assume black widows are black. I put a picture of another widow of the same species at the bottom here. They dont turn black until they reach full maturity but they are sexually mature before going black! The last picture is of a freshwater flounder I had for a pet.






As well as the snakes we have:
two indian long eared hedgehogs
seven african pygmy mice
thirteen nile spiney mice
four firebellied toads
two red eyed tree frogs
two chinese firebellied newts
some insecty things (cockroaches, millipedes, etc)
one leopard gecko

Less exotic, I also keep and breed pedigree fancy rats for show (not feeders!), I have about 30 of them at the moment. I have a colony of normal fancy mice, and two Roborovski hamsters, plus two cats.

There is probably something else I've forgotten, but I think that's plenty for two people to be getting along with.

in addition to the snakes, I also have fancy mice (many many colors/patterns and coat types) and rats. I also recently invested in a pair of fancy chinchillas (beige male and violet female.) The chins are so cute and sweet :) .
We have three dogs (one of which is a wolf-mix), two cats, three spiney mice, 3regular mice and 3rats.
I do also have one crested gecko.
For those of you that have hedgehogs or sugar gliders - how are they maintenance wise? I have been considering off and on about getting one or the other. I have done some research on them, but haven't talked with anyone who actually owned any.
Sugar gliders are easy to care for, provided you have the time to spend with them. Gliders bond with their owner and require constant attention. If you don't have the time to spend with them everyday, you should get a colony of gliders (2 or more).

Gliders are very smart little critters. I have had to leave my hand in their cage and let them bite me, because if I pull my hand out, they quickly learn biting gets rid of you. My little boy (he's about 9 years old) likes to curl up in my pocket to sleep, and if he's out and gets scared, he comes running back to the pocket.

Cages must be as tall as you can accommodate. Sugar gliders are climbers, and they like to be high up when they sleep. My (modified) cage is about 5 feet tall...and I have seen some that are much taller! My cage is actually 2 ferret cages stacked on top of eachother (without the base on the top one). I had to cut the wire floor of one of the cages so that it became one giant cage, and I wrapped the whole thing in "chicken wire" (I don't know if that's what it is called) because the openings between bars in the cage were too large.

They are nocturnal, and can make quite a racket at night, so you'll need to keep the cage in a room that no one sleeps in.

Feeding is easy because they are omnivorous.

Overall, a great loving pet if you have the time, but remember one thing: You must be committed to keeping a sugar glider for the duration of its life. Being torn away from an owner it has bonded to can be devastating!
I have cats and a rabbit besides the snakes, but as far as unusual critters go, I'm picking up a pair of Giant Snails at the end of the month. :) I'm also considering some hermit crabs, charming little things.
I have 8 pet rats (6.2). Two of which are neutered. They are strictly pets, I dont breed them. A lot of people find it interesting that I have rats and snakes. Naturally, one would assume I breed the rats to feed the snakes. So needless to say, people think I am strange. Especially considering I volunteer at a raptor rehab center and feeding rats (dead and alive) to the birds is an everyday occurance. :p
Well... we have 2 dogs - one of which is currently boarding with the in laws in Canada, we've 2 cats, about a dozen desert toads that we raised from tadpoles, 2 anoles, the snakes, the mice, the rats, a tank of African cichlids, a tank of guppies, an oscar & 2 gorami (sp?), and a handful of koi & goldfish out in the pond. Nothing really too exotic - just the beginnings of a family zoo! lol

Well there not all exotic but here they are. I have 1 mouse. The story behind him is. My snake went threw a fast and wouldn't eat so we finally got him to eat live. My DH come home with a live pinky and I went to feed my snake which turned out to be in the blue and wouldn't eat him. So here I was with a live pinky and couldn't let it starve to death so I syringed feed it, now a year later I still have him.( by the way I did get the snake back to f/t)
Now back to the rest.
2 leopard geckos, 3 bearded dragons, 3 Cuban tree frogs, 2 anoles, 3 pot belly pigs, 3 ducks, 2 goats, 2 horses, 6 dogs, 6 cats, and my 4 snakes