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Unusual (non scaly) pets?

Slither- I was lucky enough after months of searching for a hedgie to find one of our customers had 2 babies for sale. I got Charlotte when she turned 8 weeks at the beginning of the month. They can be found online at breeders, but it's very expensive to ship them.
Toyah- Where did you get the long ears?
ArpreggioAngel- Hedgies are pretty low maintenance. They eat high quality dry cat food supplemented with mealworms, crickets, and occasionally fruits and veggies. They don't smell, most of the cleaning of their cage is spot cleaning every day. You do have to clean their wheels everyday, cause they poop while they run (all night long)lol. That's about it, mine is very social and sweet, and loves to run around her playpen with a toilet paper roll on her head. :grin01:
Hmmm....we've got a tarantula (Mex. red knee), leopard gecko, two goldfish and the usual dogs and cats. I've had rats, mice, hamsters (never again), zebra finches, rabbits and a horse. I've come close to getting a llama, but keeping at someone else's place takes the fun out of it!
I have 3 ferrets currently.They are awesome pets that I highly suggest to anyone,as long as you can give them 2 hours of play time a day.I have my snake,the ferrets,a chinchilla,and a Great Dane puppy.Those are the ones I consider exotic.Yes I do think Great Danes are exotic :) .
As well as the snakes, I've got the dog, the budgie, the one-eyed psychotic gerbil, an ancient pet mouse, a pair of golden treefrogs, a pac-man frog, the leopard gecko and a tropical fishtank with angels, corydoras, black neons and a hideous hybrid parrot cichild. My youngest boy is working on me for a scorpion at the moment. :rolleyes:
Right now we are about the same as allot of others we have rats, mice, Leo's, fish and a dog.
When I was in High school I raised and breed wild game birds,
I had Ring neck Pheasants, Golden Pheasants, Lady Amherst Pheasants, a Jungle Fowl, a Emu named George (he rocked!!) and a few other rare pheasant breeds. Some day when I can afford it I will definitely get back into them they are so pretty!
Nice widow, attack turtle! My boyfriend keeps one (she's about a ft away from me right now..) but she's nearing her end. She was a wild caught two years ago. She hasn't been very active lately, ignoring all her crickets, and doesn't seem quite as full bodied.

I'm an arachnid fan as well and currently own a Costa Rican Zebra Tarantula.

I've got other pets as well but they don't quality as "exotic" animals. Hrm.. except perhaps the Koi. I've got a nice pond in my backyard with around 10 Koi of various size and color.
My non scaley pet happens to be one of my best friends......but she's special cause she's a midget, she also happens to be a circus "freak" and acts in the Rocky Horror Picture Show


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wow this thread really makes me miss all the animals I had in my former life. right now do to where we live and the kids being so young all we have are the snakes and 6 Leopard geckos. Maybe when the kids are a bit older and we buy our house I'll get back into the exotics. If any of you want to know what I have had let me know. But I did not want to list them out sense the question here is what do you have :)

~Jeff C.

PS. xXMetalsAngelXx I have to say I thought I have had some exotic pets in the past but you got me beat. I have never had a midget before
JTGoff69 said:
Slither- I was lucky enough after months of searching for a hedgie to find one of our customers had 2 babies for sale. I got Charlotte when she turned 8 weeks at the beginning of the month. They can be found online at breeders, but it's very expensive to ship them.
Toyah- Where did you get the long ears?
ArpreggioAngel- Hedgies are pretty low maintenance. They eat high quality dry cat food supplemented with mealworms, crickets, and occasionally fruits and veggies. They don't smell, most of the cleaning of their cage is spot cleaning every day. You do have to clean their wheels everyday, cause they poop while they run (all night long)lol. That's about it, mine is very social and sweet, and loves to run around her playpen with a toilet paper roll on her head. :grin01:

I got my long ears from private breeders, as far as I know they're not really available in the US? You can get them in the UK and Europe though ... The Egyptian long ears are quite common in the UK (well, relatively...) but the Indian long ears are somewhat a rarity. Sadly mine have never managed to raise a baby, she has no mothering instinct at all. Comparing them to the APH I owned, the long ears drink less, smell less, and eat more!
Hedgehogs need a fair amount of space, and a wheel is appreciated too - in the wild they would run miles every night.


Well...I have...

"Velvet" - 6yr old Thoroughbred mare (like Sea Biscuit :rolleyes: )
"Marmite, Chomp and Squeakers" - 3 girl cats (Marmite and Chomp are VERY pregnant so going to have a swarm of kittens soon!
"Whiskey" - Daschund cross Doberman, he is super cute and such a nice dog!
"Franky" - Daschund
and the snakes...

Used to have tropical fish (tetras and such), a Red tiger oscar and about 100 koi! lol


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