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URGENT! Snake spasming, opening mouth, and making noise, PLEASE HELP!!!

I believe it has eucalyptus oils in it
Given that we're warned away from things like resinous woods as substrate because they might give off harmful fumes, I'd *very strongly* advise against using this.

Recently on this board, a member seems to have used a plug-in air freshener which caused neurological symptoms - they started when it was first used and stopped when it was moved to another room. Circumstantial at best, but reasonably convincing. Check for anything new in or near the snake room which could be giving off a scent. Is there anything in the house maybe associated with Christmas decorations? Scented candles? That sort of thing?

The symptoms you describe sound more like a neurological problem than an RI.

I wish you very good luck. What a horrible thing to have to deal with over the holiday season.
I am glad I am not the only one who is not happy with the idea of vapo rub and such.

Visceral, maybe you'd better go spend some hours out of the house for the sake of the snake. You won't be able to help him if he is gonna spasm again, so why are you checking on him all the time? If he is fine, there is no use, if he is close to dying you cannot do anything about it. If he is in between he needs REST. Try to ignore your emotions and listen to our rational advice please. I KNOW IT IS HARD. Ever dealt with a egg bound female? I did multiple times and learned that I might have caused some cases turning fatal instead of a happy ending by harassing them for check ups.... That is a bad feeling I can tell you!
I do appreciate all of your concerns. I never said I was for sure going to use the vapor rub method, I just thought I'd have it around in the chance that his illness progressed and showed signs of a definite RI. I figured it was easier to have it around in case I ever did need it. I did stop checking on him so often. I'm aware there's nothing I could do for him, but the anxiety of not knowing if he's okay or not was overwhelming. I checked his mouth and there was absolutely no signs of mucus at all, a good yet confusing sign. He hasn't presented any signs or symptoms of illness since yesterday morning about 9am. He's still on the warm side of his viv, however. I'm hopeful still he'll make a good and healthy recovery, but I'm concerned the vet will have a hard time finding his ailment.
He seems to be doing well, actually. He's alert, responsive, and no signs of any mucus in his mouth whatsoever. I'm feeling hopeful. I really hope it was just a circumstantial ailment and not some kind of neurological problem. Thanks for asking. =]
I hope that's all it was too.
I've got one girl, who's especially food aggressive (she thinks EVERYTHING that moves is food) and when she gets excited she attempts to bite and swallow anything (including aspen, hides, water bowls.. my fingers.. haha) and she's the one that's given herself a mouthful of aspen a few times and boy does she get irritated!

If you have the splintered type of aspen (like from Beanfarm), it can be fairly pointy.
Thanks guys! I'm optimistic today, especially after we were able to get his mouth open last night and see there was nothing wrong as far as mucus etc. I got him out today and held him for awhile and he was his normal self. He's such a sweet little guy, I'm so glad he seems to be doing better. I'll let everyone know how the vet goes tomorrow.
Thanks for everyones input and concern!
I still don't think the flailing about he was doing were seizures. They were just too... controlled and deliberate seeming. I've seen lots of seizures in my life, and this just doesn't seem like it was uncontrolled by him. This gives me hope that it's not necessarily something neurological going on. Right now you can't really rule out anything. But I'm hoping he somehow got aspen in his mouth, then possibly got more while he was trying to get the first bit out. Then he may've swallowed some and was trying to regurge it or clear his esophagus of it. He's doing really well as far as I can tell. He even went back to the cool side of his viv, which is hopefully a sign that whatever the ailment it's perhaps passed now. =]
So is he perfectly normal today? Might not hurt to take him in to just have the vet check him over, but I wouldn't okay any extensive testing if he is symptom-free.
If it is a RI, raising the temps in his viv may be all that is needed. About the flailing about, all I can say is that I have had multiple nights over the past few years when one of the juvenile snakes in my bedroom will apparently flail about. They are in plastic containers and I can hear them whipping around in it, but whenever I turn to see who it is or turn the light on, it stops. I did catch one snake doing it for about 5 seconds before it realized I was watching and just looked at me with the "What?" expression. I've never had a problem with that particular snake nor with any of the others I've kept in my bedroom. I've simply accepted it and attributed the behavior akin to the "crazy 5 minutes" I see in my dogs and cats where they just tear around the house for no reason. The snakes just don't have as much room so hit the walls of their containers making all kinds of racket.
Lars was okayed!!! The vet said they didn't see anything wrong with him, and didn't feel any drastic testing was necessary unless he exhibited the behaviors again. I think and hope he's going to be fine. Thanks for everyones help & concern! That's really strange Susan, but I agree, it's hard to know what's going on inside their mind, and maybe there is a good reason for certain behavior that doesn't necessarily mean they're ill. I'm keeping an eye on him, and as usual I'm keeping track of his bowel movements in case he did get aspen inside him, so I'm aware of any blockages if they come up.