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UTH on the side?


Crackberry Junkie
I have the smallest size UTH zoomed makes for my guys, but the instructions say to always side mount them on plastic. Is that what I should be doing? I'm new to the whole bin thing, so I just don't know what is safe for plastic.

Also, sorry for the double post, but could someone recommend a thermometer brand that works well? I'm trying to order online.

Thanks again,
Chelsea (Jackie and King Crimson too.)
Apparently it is fine to use the UTh on the bottom of plastic, as long as you use a thermostat of some sort to regulate the temp (which you need to do anyways, since the pads get too hot for snakes). You can get a simple lamp dimmer switch from the hardware store or something fancier. The pad would do no good to the snake on the side of the viv, since they need belly heat. My thermometer is made by Coralife, but any probe type thermometer would be fine.
Sorry if this is dumb, but all i can find on Amazon are cooking thermometers, am I right in assuming that this would not work?
I don't think a cooking thermometer would work, you want a digital thermometer with a probe. I use these and they work fine. Plus they're only like $8. :)

As far as the UTH, Sweetseraph is right. You definitely need at least a dimmer to make sure the UTH doesn't get too hot, which it will without something to regulate it. As long as it's regulated there shouldn't be a problem sticking it to the bottom of a plastic tub.
Go to Home Depot or Lowes and get one of those inside/outside thermometers.
You can also get lamp dimmer there.
I ordered a rheostat to go along with the UTH, which i will put on the bottom of the tank and plug in once my thermometer gets here. I've been pretty successful using a lamp to raise ambient temp to around 80-85 during the day on the warm end, and I havent had any regurges or anything yet, but i want only the best for my babies. Thanks so much.
Good idea - those dial-type one can be up to ten degrees out, either direction. My nephew has one that says 75 degrees, when my infra-red thermometer (I take it round to check regularly) shows that actual temp is 85.
In that case, I'll keep it a little cooler until I get good ones. Jackie spends all her time in her cool side hide, so I'm not so worried about her, but King Crimson likes it toasty and hardly ever goes to the cool side. He isn't hyperactive though, and the temps do drop into the low 70s at night, so I think he will be fine for the next week or so until it gets here.

Just to clear that up, I have separate enclosures for the babies, I have a glass type Exo Terra for the Anery and a big (not sure how many quart, I bought it at K-Mart) bin for the Hypo. The bin is secured with velcro, and thus far I've had no escapes. It also clips, the velcro was just to hatchling proof. Jackie, the Anery was a rescue after another college student got bored with her, so she went in the exo-terra when i got the tub for King Crimson, because she's smaller and seems to enjoy climbing. Shes getting bigger now and will soon need a tub of her own, thus the questions.
No problem, just checking! :) New people don't always know they can't be together and your post #11 was what made me wonder, that's all.
No problem. If there's one thing I've learned from browsing this forum is that (most) people here really care about the well being of the animals.

OK, so I have another question, I now have a rheostat and a thermometer with a probe, but I can't get the UTH under 90 degrees. Even on the lowest setting, if it is on, its 89-90F. I know its not quite so hot on top of the aspen, but I don't want my snakes overheating when they're on the warm side. Both tanks are on the same rheostat, and the temperatures are the same, 89-90F on the lowest setting. What can i do? I really can't afford a thermostat right now.

The UTHs are on the outside of the tank.
you could go to a hardware store or wal-mart and buy a lamp dimmer to use as a rheostat they work great i used those for my Leos when they had them but now I use home made rheostats for my snakes
What kind of rheostat do you have? I bought one of those ZooMed ones and I found that it...well, it sucked. It couldn't get the UTH below 90, so now I use that as a lamp dimmer and a couple of lamp dimmers from Home Depot as rheostats.
Yeah, its the zoo-med one. It does suck.

I got it down to 88.0, is that still too high? That's under the substrate. The ambient air temperature hovers around 80-83 on the warm side and about 10 degrees cooler on the cool side. I haven't had any problems yet, but I want to make sure that this is okay.