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VERY Bad Day


Start Wearing Purple
I came home from work yesterday and went into my snake room and I was hit by a wall of heat when I entered. It just started cooling down here, so I had set up my heater like I did last winter. No problems last winter, but I think that the power went out shortly and the thermostat for my heater got reset. It got up over 100 degrees in the hottest spot. I lost many snakes and there are a couple that aren't looking very good. All of the living snakes were in their water bowls. I am rather upset. :mad:
:awcrap: :awcrap: Trever!!! Oh my goshness :(

Im sooo sorry to hear this, Im sure you are devisted. Just know I hope for the best with the snakes that made it! Im sure they will pull through
Trevor! Really sorry to hear that man. That really sucks but I'm glad your place didn't catch fire. I know how that feels... I had a room heater get stuck on high for a weekend I was away. Very bad. I know it can be discouraging. Hang in there. Let us know if there's anything we can help you out with.
That is horrible Trevor! I really feel for your losses and hope that the rest of them recover fully. If you need anything let us know and we'll do what we can to help...

Oh Trevor, that is awful. I am so sorry to hear that. How many snakes did you lose? I know that whether it is one or ten it feels like sh*t.

What can we do to help? If you would like help replenishing your collection I am sure we can help there. I would donate a snake to you to help build back up your collection and I am sure others would too.
That really sucks Trevor, sorry to hear it. How many did you lose? I know you said my Candy Cane girl died~ I hope that was the worst of the damage. What kind of therm were you using? I just purchased a Herpstat ND~ it has a high and low alarm~ I'll remember to actually set it to ring now (haven't gotten around to that setting yet)~ sounds like you should look into getting one with an alarm too.

So sorry to hear about your trouble :(
So sorry Trevor. I am always affraid something like this will happend. I have to use a heater all year long and sometimes it goes off a bit. One time it was 90 when I entered.

I hope you did not lost too many even if, like dawnrenee2000 said, only one lost sucks.

Good luck with he others. Keep us posted.
Aw, man. That really sucks. I'm shocked that 100* would kill them! Let me be the next guy to say that if you can think of any way I can help you out, let me know.

And I hate to ask, but... did those little ghosts make it? :(
Trev, Jen let me know about half an hour ago.. I am sorry to hear about this. If there is anything you want that me and Jen can help you with.. Its yours Buddy..

Hoping for the Best... Tim of T and J
Man. I'm so so sorry. Thats awful. Wrote you on myspace too. Really, not that there is a whole lot that I could do, but if you need anything, let me know.

Thanks everyone for the support. Really, It could have been worse. I had about 120 snakes, and it looks like I lost 12.
Roy Munson said:
And I hate to ask, but... did those little ghosts make it?
The male did not make it. But the female is doing fine.
JM :o) said:
Trevor~ your PM box is full~ make some room so I can send a message
Sorry Cheryl. I emptied it a bit.
lefty_mussolini said:
Thanks everyone for the support. Really, It could have been worse. I had about 120 snakes, and it looks like I lost 12.

The male did not make it. But the female is doing fine.

Sorry Cheryl. I emptied it a bit.

That definitely sucks, but I'm definitely glad it wasn't worse. Sorry to hear about that. :(
sorry for your losses.............at least it was only 10%, i was expecting your update to be allot worse. (i know, even 1% would suck). hope everything gets back to normal for you soon. hang in there. :)
hey sorry to hear that trevor. It is odd that would have done it to them, as my snake room gets to be about 104 for a week each summer, cant help it right now, just set up many fans and keep all the windows open.

I guess its a totally different story when it's your heat source that gets up to that temp. I'm glad though that it wasnt worse than losing 12. Good luck buddy.