Here is my fiery little girl !
Well I finally got a snake, but had some temp changes to the living quarters. within about a month it will be in its full time home, a 20 long, with UTH, ASPEN bedding, and a few hides, and im still considering a light. For now i had to change my plans temporarily. I listened to the dreaded store clerk instead of trusting my instincts. I had planned to use either Aspen or paper towels, and was leaning towards aspen. but i go to the store and the clerk gives me the whole "well i SUPPOSE you could go with aspen, but what is really better for them is this eco earth blah blah blah" speech. I wish i hadnt listened. i hate that stuff and will never buy it again. its incredibly dirty feeling, every time i did anything while setting it up my hand was brown with that crap. Im not a fan of it. not to mention the whole process of watering it, then drying it back out, no thanks. not for me. I dont know why i let him talk me into it, this would never have happened to me in the Salt Water fish world, i always go in knowing what i want and need before im at the store, and for some reason I caved like the noob that I am. I got rid of that stuff after like 2 days, i just cant hang with it.
I will be changing that tank over to aspen after i get back from a short Christmas vacation. for the interm he is in a temporary Plastic tub, with an UTH, paper towels, 2 hides, and a waterbowl. I bought 5 frozen pinky mice that day but i think she is too big for them, she actually ate one the first day no problem, right off my tongs, she ate it SO fast and you could barely see a lump, she pooped 2 days later and it was hardly any poop. then yesterday i fed it 2 pinky mice and it ate them so quick. after the first strike its swallows them within like 10 seconds, i barely had time to take a picture. She i not quite a baby though, he said she was born in late July so has had quite a few meals. Im thinking i might need to go to the next size, what do you all think? Once im back i will put up some picks of the 20long with Aspen to see what you all think. and give me some advice on lighting, Yay or Nay? and if so what what type, wattage and for how many hours? I see a lot of people say you dont need them, but those same people seem to have a light?! so confused. Anways, here are the pics !