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Video tour of the facility

Rich Z

Staff member
Insiders Club
Here's a quick and dirty video of the reptile building and the rodent building. Things are a real mess there, but I originally did this for someone interested in buying the business, so I just grabbed the video camera and started shooting. Connie wanted to KILL me because I didn't clean up first....

Anyway, no reason why I shouldn't just show it here now...

Wowsa! That is a lot of work to be doing for as long as you have, I can understand the need for retirement even more now! Thanks for sharing and good luck to you and Connie!
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Thanks................and you FINALLY incorporated some good music to your video..;)

I appreciate the tour.

:crazy02:BOUT' CORNS !!
Do you use one of that hear/air units that you see in hotels? I have been considering the use of one of those to heat my "snake house". I also like the deli cup racks at 1:47 and 2:45.
Thats a lot of snakes Rich, I can see why you may want to call it a day:laugh:
The thing is Rich, I was wondering while watching that vid. Will you give it up totally, or, keep back a 100 or so of the best and just become a hobbiest again:laugh:
Holy Crapola, Batman!! That's impressive. My husband said it looks like a library of snakes. I told him he's not far off! Thanks for sharing.
The point of the matter is that if you really want to produce that one out of a thousand animals, you NEED to produce a thousand animals to give yourself the odds of that taking place. You can't rely on just luck. If you want to work with triple hets, then it would be wise to plan on producing at least 64 babies from that project. Would you like the odds to be in your favor of producing a sexual pair of them? Then triple that number, at least. Will all of them eat or survive, or should you try to produce more of them, just in case? And that is all just for one project. How many projects do you want to do concurrently? How many such projects do you think you CAN realistically do?

Sorry, but as I learned (and you can see), you just can't play this game seriously unless you throw everything you have into it. To get where you would be with the resources shown in that video starting from scratch would cost you MANY times what I am wanting to sell my business for.
Great Video Rich ! I've been waiting a long time to finally get a glimpse of what the inside of SerpenCo looks like. What a lot of work that must be . I can't even imagine how you do it.

I had a quick question. Do the WHITE DOTS on the egg boxes represent each time a male was mated w/ the female that layed those eggs ? On a few boxes I think I saw a few that up to FOUR dots on them. How do you keep track of all that ?

I must admit it's a little sad that this is the last year of SerpenCo, but I can totally understand. :sobstory: Rich I hope you and Connie sell the remainder of your animals in a timely manner. Congrats on the Retirement.:wavey:

Stephen Howard
I had a quick question. Do the WHITE DOTS on the egg boxes represent each time a male was mated w/ the female that layed those eggs ? On a few boxes I think I saw a few that up to FOUR dots on them. How do you keep track of all that ?

Stephen Howard

Each white dot on an egg incubating container indicates a single clutch within that box. I knew I was going to run short on shoe boxes as well as slots to put them in this year, so when I would get a "short" clutch, I would often double or triple them up to conserve space. There were two ways I selected clutches to be together in this manner. (1) The babies would be so different that there was little likelihood of confusing which babies came from which clutch, or (2) The genetic mix was identical so that the babies, no matter what they looked like would have the same genetic mix of parents.

Of course, there is always the chance of a real oddball hatching out that I wouldn't know which clutch it actually came from. But under the circumstances, it wasn't a significant risk.

Wow Rich! Thanks for the peek!

I can't imagine all those rodent water bottles...never went to automatic watering?