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Viv: glass or plastic?

I use tubs and vivs. I would definitely agree that the ones in tubs are way more often visible than the the ones in the vivs. I also have a boa that will not eat in a viv yet once she's put back in a tub for a day she'll take food every time.

Just my 2 cents :)

This thread is really starting to change my opinion about tubs... I'm even considering buying a couple and seeing how it goes... BAD BAD SITE! :crazy02:
And what's wrong with a shoe collection?

Well, I DO have a shoe collection, and I am VERY PROUD of it!. They are in CLEAR boxes, so I CAN see them just fine. And can get to the pair I need without disturbing the others.
On my day off, I take each one out. I polish or brush them as needed. I take very good care of them. And I'll be &@#$ if I... oh,wait... this is the Corn Snake Forum.
NEVERMIND. :grin01:

But, seriously, whether you keep your snakes in racks or vivs doesn't denote how proud you are of your snakes. It's how well you take care of them. You can display a HS Diploma on a wall, because you're PROUD of it. But if it's so dusty that you can't even read it, do you really care about it?

I think the choice of tubs vs. vivs is really a matter of space and ease of care. If you have many snakes, it would be easier to maintain health and well being in tubs (ie. centralized heat, less cleaning per tub, lower stress on so many snakes in one area, etc.).

I have ONE snake in a viv. I just have ONE thermometer to check. I spend maybe 30 minutes on a Full Clean, from start to finish. Multiply that by 50 (hell, some members have 100+ snakes). I'd lose my ever-loving mind!
But back to the topic...
I use a glass viv because it's convienent for me. This is my 1st snake. I felt it would be a better learning experience to be able to see what Nibblet does on a day-to-day basis. Even though there are many morphs I'd like to have in a very small collection, I'm holding out (at least a year?) to learn more about raising cornsnakes.

Besides, I think it would be silly to have one snake in a rack.
Roy Munson said:
Look kid, I realize that you are too young to fully understand concepts such as tact and diplomacy. But when you imply that those who are much more informed keepers than you are view their animals as socks or shoe collection items, I don't think it is inappropriate for them to respond. When you are older, you may also have a better grasp of the concept of hypocrisy. You state your opinion, and you think it's ok. I state mine, and it's an over-reaction. Get it yet, kiddo? :)

You make the mistake of assuming that I implied that people who keep their snakes in a rack view them as a shoe or sock collection, regardless of how much experience they have. I never stated that. I apologize if my original post was too ambiguous.

What I DID do is state my opinion on rack systems and vivariums. Personally, rack systems seem too impersonal to keep my pets in. My personal opinion, is that they resemble a collection of inanimate objects, and not living creatures. (Notice how at not one point did I imply that other people think this way.) However, I understand why someone would use them when they have a larger number of animals than I myself do, and I see nothing wrong with doing it. I would just never do it myself.

Please do not patronize me because I am younger than you are. I assure you, I understand the concepts of tact, diplomacy, and hypocrisy just as well as you do. My age is irrelevant.
ShadeFX said:
Please do not patronize me because I am younger than you are. I assure you, I understand the concepts of tact, diplomacy, and hypocrisy just as well as you do. My age is irrelevant.
Cool. Then I can be assured that you understand the difference between claim and demonstration. ;)
ShadeFX said:
Please do not patronize me because I am younger than you are. I assure you, I understand the concepts of tact, diplomacy, and hypocrisy just as well as you do. My age is irrelevant.

Here is my 2 cents worth here.
You only have 2 snakes. And keeping vivs is a great thing and I keep all of mine in Vivs. But I am switching to a Rack system. I have alot of snakes, 10 corns and counting. And seriously, 20 gallon vivs take up a lot of space. You will need an entire room just to keep 10 adult corns in vivs. And many people here who breed the snakes keep them in Racks. Simple reason, it saves on room. Don't knock the rack system until you walk in our shoes. We all have been in yours but it will be awhile before you are in ours. that is if you decide to stay in the hobby.

Also, listen to the old man, your post did come off as tactless and he does have wisdom in most of his words.
ShadeFX said:
I have three hides, and my rat snake is the only one who hides for the majority of the time, and that's only because he's in a new environment. My Corn snake spends most of the day cruising back and forth and climbing the branches in it's viv.

Yea, don't be fooled by that. The only reason those new, young snakes are cruising and climbing is because they're trying to find a way out. I've got four 06 hatchlings that live in shoe boxes at the moment who do the same thing.
My older snakes, however, are content to stay hidden unless it's near feeding day. And yes, they are the ones in glass display vivs, with three hides and fake greenery.

Keeping snakes in racks doesn't mean the snakes are less cared for or that they are forgotten. Implying that this is the case, or being holier-than-thou about having two snakes kept in tanks won't get you very far. Learn and listen with an open mind, it's far better for all concerned.

You guys aren't understanding what I'm trying to say. I'm not trying to come off as 'holier-than-thou,' and I'm not knocking the rack system or people that use it. It's just not something I would ever use, because it seems more impersonal than a vivarium.

I've not intended to offend anyone, and I apologize to those I have. I'm not trying to start a conflict here, I was just voicing my opinion.
ShadeFX said:

You guys aren't understanding what I'm trying to say. I'm not trying to come off as 'holier-than-thou,' and I'm not knocking the rack system or people that use it. It's just not something I would ever use, because it seems more impersonal than a vivarium.

I've not intended to offend anyone, and I apologize to those I have. I'm not trying to start a conflict here, I was just voicing my opinion.

No problem, Jake. You love snakes and we love snakes, and that's all that matters. :cheers:

Edited to add: It's ok to be impersonal when you're not dealing with persons. ;)
I used to have all my critters set up in vivs but it started to take up too much space. So I built a rack for 6 adult snakes. As soon as I set them up in there, I really noticed an increase in their activity. Even after a couple months being in there, they were still cruising constantly. The floor space of the tubs are the same as a 20L aquarium, but without the height. Didnt matter anyway because my snakes never utilized the branches I had in the vivs.

I think they felt more secure in the tubs is because of the opaque color they have to them, so they felt more comfortable. I used to think tubs were kind of impersonal but that all changed when I switched them to a rack system. They really seem to like them better. I do have a couple snakes set up in vivs as display snakes, and it definately takes more time to clean than a tub, I couldnt imagine cleaning 100 vivs haha.

Anyway, everyone has what works for them. It doesnt matter whether they would rather have a viv or a tub to house their snakes, all that matters is that the snakes are taken care of :)
ShadeFX said:
It's just not something I would ever use, because it seems more impersonal than a vivarium.QUOTE]

Impersonal to you or the snake. It's funny how so many people think corns and balls are display snakes. The fact is they are not. They would rather be in the most secure corner or nook they can find. You may be able to achieve this in a tank, but security for them in a tank is nowhere near what they can find in a tub.

Iris brand tubs are nearly clear anyways, so I can view them anytime I want. A lot of the time, they have themselves wedged between the hide and the top.

Just because a petstore does it, doesn't mean it's right.--Unless you're running a petstore out of your house.

I didn't want to get back into this conversation, but it seems like everyone knows better as soon as they get one.
danvega said:
Just because a petstore does it, doesn't mean it's right.--Unless you're running a petstore out of your house.

Of course, it could have nothing to do with what they see in a petstore, but what is shown in both the Manual and in the Don's book....

Personally, I prefer tanks, but since I respect the breeders who obviously can't keep hundreds in tanks, I don't have a problem with the plastic. The fact is I like those expensive toys for them to crawl on just like they would do in the while. Neither Lady G, nor Kieran were hiders and in the evenings the new little girl is getting brave and coming out and peeking at us over her log too. In fact Kieran is buried in Aspen with his head stuck out and is watching me as I'm working. I like that.

Now I can see in the near future if this group remains a bad influence on me... that I'll have a rack system too.

But its more than the petstores that recommends glass tanks for that new pet snake.
boy i sure caused a fuss, lol.

im thinking of upping to make a rack system. working on a design that would allow me to make stackable rack shelves (basically a frame to fit around the plastic-ware with a bottom shelf) so all i have to do is re-wire the flexwatt to make the rack shorter/taller. meaning i could also add to it later. :) ill keep everyone posted on my progress