I know I know, it's old
Came across this somehow. Thought it was my duty as a newbie to post...and revive something as dead as this one for all other newbies as well.
I am a new owner of a cornsnake as well, so I don't have any pictures of him yet

( but will definitely post soon because I have no idea what kind he is. Amel something I am sure...

On the right.

Cramped in the back of the truck

Ha. This one I think is funny just because this was a week after I had my son and I was so happy because I was determined to have my post baby body back...

And there he is. My son Preston.

And our Eleven Year old Pit bull, Bushido.

Him chilling on the patio

Daddy and Baby spending 'quality' time together, lol.

Halloween last year. I'm the half devil, half angel.