I just went through about HALF of these posts, and I'm obviously no where near being done, SO... I thought I'd post my picture before my tush goes numb, and I forget to post them...
This is me... a "mirror" shot, nothing special.
This is me and my dad, at his 20th year anniversary for his work...
One of my close friends is a hairstylist, so she decided to cut my hair one day
My family christmas photo. It started out as a gift for my grandparents, and turned into a huge joke... Rock On, Santa!
Me, and my two best friends goofing around while we were on tour with my friends band. This was in Orlando.
Me, and my 13 year old cat, Kinnie. We think she's a maine coon, but not sure.
This is me and my Barkley boy. He's my BABY. 11 years old.
And the last one, I swear! This is me and my 10 month old Kitten... When he was 6 months old, the doctor was shocked at how big he was already... and now he's pretty much a moutain lion... He's not one for affection, so it's really hard to get a good picture of him and i together! haha
I'm a little camera obsessed. Just ask Rena (She's Metal's Angel on here). I do photography for bands, so I'm constantly snapping pictures. Sorry if this was a little LONG.