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We've all seen pictures of your snakes..


C'mon people, quit flirting with the new girl. I promise to send a nude of myself if I see so much as one more of these!

You might have a point there. But I am a 35 year old boxer who has cauliflour ears and a (many times over) broken nose. Look back and you'll notice after my photo; most girls said, "nice dog." That post was meant to be a threat, but point taken.:rolleyes:
k i'll give this a go too..obviously i'm the girl in this picture


  • meandevan.jpg
    24.2 KB · Views: 736
Haha this is awesome!!

well... I haven't been here for ages it seems! I thought I'd give this a try also... Just a quick pic taken wiht a few friends a couple months ago! kind of a weird picture but w/e it gives you an idea. I'm the one on the top right with the shell necklace and jean jacket! I'll probably end up deleting this:( I hate pics!!!:p


  • dsc002341.jpg
    117.3 KB · Views: 740
ahh Hoss...

I think those girls are quite a bit younger than you are, bro!

Oh wait! CHIP! Does Hoss get the nudie shot for that comment???


Quigs :)noevil: )

I'll just "moon" Hoss on PM to spare the innocent! Too funny, when I saw that photo, I was waiting for something like that.

This has been a really fun thread. No CAV photo, though. Other "old timers" have also bailed on putting their photos up, instead making us settle for their cats or offspring. What gives? This ain't a beauty paegent, folks. :nope: Don't be so shy!
How old is old? I'm older, and I put my picture up......way back on page one I think! You other grampa's and grandma's can do it too!
Amused :)

YEAH quit flirting, you lot should know better!! *waves finger*

Come on all the regs you heard the man, show your faces :p

hoss is comeing to winnipeg?! I really want to see the oldies that have always helped me out when I really needed it the most! I have visions of most of you and its hillarious to see how off I've been soo far:) Not in a bad way of course! Hope you guys will toughen up a little bit!
fatso said:
And thats work???:cool:

Damn straight, that bird weighed like 8lbs and I was holding her for 2 hours during a customer "bird party".. lol. I call that work. Besides that, I hand fed 75+ baby birds 3 times a day, while cleaning all cages, all other feeding and watering, stocking, helping of customers, etc.. Talk about stress!