I fed Sherlock yesterday, a day and a few hours later than usual, since he was hiding all Thanksgiving evening after being introduced to my family and I figured it was better to wait a day than to dig him out for the fourth time and stress him out. Then I fed him close to midnight (a couple hours later than usual) since a friend needed a paper proof read. The whole 2 hours I was editing her paper, Sherlock spent lounging on a leaf alternately watching me and watching his food bin, as if to say "come ooooon I know I was sulky yesterday but look, I'm out now, where is the food?". It was super cute, since he usually goes and hides when the light is on and retreats when he notices me watching him, though he's been getting braver since he first moved in. I think we are finally coming to an understanding of "No, I'm still not planning on eating you. Look how often I could have by now, yet usually you get food. Even if sometimes I do horrible things like bathe and photograph you, I'm really not that bad."