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What do people say when you own a snake?


New member
Most people go eww or why?.

One woman I worked with, I got into a bit of a debate with her. Her philosophy is that reptiles belong in the wild. That they aren't domesticated, just captive bred and tame and they don't give two sh*ts if we live or die. Unlike dogs and cats who rely on our care because of their domestication. So I pointed out to her how she has fish in her 175 gallon tank. How those fish could be swimming in rivers, estuaries, lakes, etc that have no glass walls. Where out their, their only boundaries are the shores. She clammed up, but still stuck to her guns and whenever I mention getting a corn snake, she makes a comment about how she doesn't think its a good idea. Its not like its a cobra for god's sake. :shrugs: But that is probably the most negative reaction I've gotten about it.
Wow! I get all different reactions but mostly eew! or "what did you say". I've never gotten in a debate with someone who thinks we shouldn't have them because they are wild. Especially someone who has animals that are in the wild.
Since I'm a little older I think I get the at your age looks, mostly because my contemporaries are more firm in the belief that snakes are slimy, evil reptiles.
What has caused even more disdain from people I know is the rats, which I don't understand. susang
well i really never had any one say "cool".when hearing i have snakes. And they freak out even more when i tell them "its not just one i have 4" its more like "why would you want a pet like that? and why so many?" but anyone that say that i pretty much let them see my snakes and i hold them letting them see that there not monsters And with in a half hour they think there pretty neat, or they think am even crazier then before and wanna get away from me. LoL
Wow! Since I'm a little older I think I get the at your age looks susang

Wow. Do you know how few people there are that are older than I am? Su Sang, you make me feel so much better.

One of my best friends is on the city council where I live. They passed an ordinance that in a residential area you are not allowed to have more than 50 pets. I have more than 50 snakes. If you were to count the mice, rats, crickets, mealworms, and lizards I sure the total would be in the thousands. I drives my friend nuts. He is afraid he is going to have to explain why he knew about it and didn’t say anything.

When people find out about our snakes, the first thing they say is “are any of them poisonous?” Second thing is “Do they ever get out?” I tell them that there is almost always one snake some where loose in the house. We never have overnight guests.
I know I've said before that I've had really negative reactions from work colleagues, usually accompanied by statements like 'Well I'm not coming to your house'. So far I've kept the reply 'Don't recall inviting you' in my head, but only just.
We get a lot of regular patients with chronic conditions who come back time and again. Usually there are 3 or so on the ward at any time. Because they've heard about my menagerie (usually first from a colleague telling them how 'mad' I am), and it sparked interest in the patients, there's now a core of regulars who ask for updates on the collection. Lil's tribulations were followed avidly, with new patients finding out about her and then wanting to follow her story. I've had to print pictures of the snakes and take in sheds for them to see, which irritates the anti-snake gang no end:rofl:
Wow. Do you know how few people there are that are older than I am? Su Sang, you make me feel so much better.

One of my best friends is on the city council where I live. They passed an ordinance that in a residential area you are not allowed to have more than 50 pets. I have more than 50 snakes. If you were to count the mice, rats, crickets, mealworms, and lizards I sure the total would be in the thousands. I drives my friend nuts. He is afraid he is going to have to explain why he knew about it and didn’t say anything.

When people find out about our snakes, the first thing they say is “are any of them poisonous?” Second thing is “Do they ever get out?” I tell them that there is almost always one snake some where loose in the house. We never have overnight guests.

Glad I made you feel better. Next year is my big birthday and I either want a tatoo or to get my nose pierced. Can't wait to see the reaction to that.

My sister is an insurance agent by day and at night she sells "Pamperd Chef" she wants me to have a party but my friends are afraid of the snakes. Since they are everywhere in the house, no party. I also quilt and needless to say none of my quilter friends will come over either.
My students at first say, "Eeeeeeeeeek!" and shortly thereafter, *all* say, "Oooooooooooh! He's so cute! Can I hold him?" :)

The adults generally all say, "Whoa!" and some will say, "Take that thing away from me!" (My response generally is, "Would a diseased rat be better?") The teachers will ask me to bring a snake to their classroom for a demonstration, and the rest of the students will all ask to touch them. :)

My thought is, if I get the young ones to love them -- or at least respect them -- now, then there won't be the negative reactions in the future. :)
Yeah, nobody understands. And I am cool with that. They don't have to understand, so long as I do. ;) I am the "weird animal lady" at school. :shrugs:
Funny story, actually: A guy asked me on a date. When we were talking a day or so before going out, I mentioned the snakes. He said he didn't really like snakes, but it would be fine if I only had a few. :grin01: I told him to just forget it.
Most people have a frieghtned look on thier face, then I brush my hair.. *LOL* Of course I get the .. "What you have snake.... ewwwww"..

Regards.. Tim of T and J
I've gotten all different kinds of reactions at work. One guy had a boa when he was a kid and thinks my snakes are neat. One of my bosses actually said I was a "sick individual" for having them. One of the ladies I work with is afraid of all snakes. If I even brought a shed in, she'd freak out. She won't even look at pictures of them. Another lady I work with thinks they are pretty, asks about them sometimes, and loves to look at their pictures. She even remembers their names! I've had two of my snakes shipped to work. I didn't tell anyone except the lady that likes them, and another guy that thinks they are "interesting".
Most people have a frieghtned look on thier face, then I brush my hair.. *LOL* Of course I get the .. "What you have snake.... ewwwww"..

Regards.. Tim of T and J

Oh its your eyes that make them melt.

Actually, I deal with it all the time when I do hands ons for public events. Most are scared but heck I get them to be able to touch the snake in the end of the conversation.

I worked with people from Africa and India on these hands ons. Most are terrified of the snakes, and for them good reason. When you live in an area that has known snakes that are deadly, you tend to be gun shy.
I remember an elderly African woman who was terrified at one event and she had her daughter, who was in her 30's, translate for us. She had seen large snakes in the wild and was afraid of our burm. Well after talking and seeing small children touch the snake, she cautiously touched it. It was a memorable event for both of us.

But typically when I tell people I own snakes, they are shaking their heads but then when I tell them I use them for educational purposes. They are amazed and start asking questions.
Oh also, I was unemployed and was looking for work. I did an interview and made mention that I used my reptiles for educational purposes. They thought my hobby and I was interesting and hired me the next day. I have been working for that construction company in their IT dept for the past year now. Best job I Have since I started the last 10 years working IT.
Oh also, I was unemployed and was looking for work. I did an interview and made mention that I used my reptiles for educational purposes. They thought my hobby and I was interesting and hired me the next day. I have been working for that construction company in their IT dept for the past year now. Best job I Have since I started the last 10 years working IT.

This reminds me of how having snakes has influenced things that happened to me, even in professional settings. I had to file bankruptcy, and when I was in court, the last thing the judge said to me before he sent me on my way..."So I see you have 6 snakes!" I had listed them as assets!! He actually mentioned them in court. I thought that was pretty strange at first. I was all serious and formal, then he starts joking about the snakes. I'll bet it sort of made his day to see something different for a a change.
I was out at the mailbox with my little "Yolanda", when my mailman drove up. I thought he was going to pee his drawers when he saw the snake. He said, "You have to be out of your mind". I told him that I AM out of my mind and I absolutely LOVE my little girlie snake. He put my mail in the box and drove off, just shaking his head. Poor guy just doesn't understand :shrugs:
Funny story, actually: A guy asked me on a date. When we were talking a day or so before going out, I mentioned the snakes. He said he didn't really like snakes, but it would be fine if I only had a few. :grin01: I told him to just forget it.

See, I try and pick up guys by bringing my bearded dragon with me around all the time. But it hasn't worked yet. When I am alone, I have a hard time talking to guys, but when I have a pet, I open up. But so far, no long term takers :p
I've never had any truly negative reactions, but I've had quite a few of the "ewws" and the plain bewilderment - "But why? What do they do?"

At work I have pictures of my snakes on the wall behind my desk and a couple of my colleagues have made comments that they get shivers just trying to look at the pictures.

And once, when I first started my job, I told someone I had snakes and he actually backed off down the office, like I had one on my person somewhere. :rofl: Incidentally, that was the same guy who, upon hearing I also keep snails, asked me if they can bite.. :crazy02:
Honestly, I've had FAR more positive reactions from keeping snakes than I've had negative reactions. Even the local gals around here (all my sister's and g/f's friends) will want to 'see my snake(s)' and hold them.

My family typically hosts 5-6 or six large parties at our place every year; by large, I mean 200+ people. I had two snakes in circulation at that party for a couple hours, iirc and Martina carried Dantess around in her pocket (he's a little small to hand around to people). I was quite amazed at how many people wanted to hold them and ask questions about them. Good thing I love to talk...but yeah, I've had mostly good experiences all the way around.

Now...my Dubia (Roach) colony on the other hand...it doesn't yield such good results. Off the top of my head, I can think of a handful of people who exclaimed "Oh, eff no!" when I popped the lid on their container. :grin01:
I get all positive reactions to my snakes.. All my mates and colleges think they are o.k.
Thats probably because I've got loads of pics and videos on my phone, and they're fairly good quality (sony ericsson k850i) So most people see my hobby all the time...LOL.
Quite a few have asked to come around and have a proper look.
And after 2-3 hours of looking and getting to know what makes a snake tick, they're not even phased by an adult North American Pine. Well one of my mates got a bit phased, but only because he wouldn't believe it was all a bluff. All the others have believed me and some have even held him, thinking how cool it is to have a snake that hisses all the time.;)