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What do people say when you own a snake?

Most people I know are intriqued. Probably because they know that I love all of God's creatures and I was a Zoology Major and now am working toward my PhD. in Animal Science. So they kind of half way expect it.

New people are taken a back sometimes, but then generally ask lots of questions and often want to see it. When I finally told my mother that I had a pet snake, I figured she would give me a speach about snakes, she told me I was one of the most interesting person she knows.

Some people just down right surprise you!

You should see my office, I have pictures of my Frogs, Snakes, Geckos, Birds, Cattle, Sheep, and Dogs. They certainly are never surprised! Ha!
For better or worse- you will always get an extreme reaction. Snakes seem to really peak the interest. Even those who were revolted wanted to see a picture so that they will know I am not kidding with them.

The best reaction I encountered by far was from my friend when I brought the fifth snake or so: "You know... you're alot like those old ladies with cats? Only way weirder than that".

The snakes are always an attraction at my home though, people can't help themselves and stare with mild fascination :)
Like most, I get the range of reactions, from "Cool! Got pictures" to "That's the DEVIL'S Pet!!" Most just give me a sideways look that says they're thinking, "...but you look so normal."

A couple have asked if they're poisonous, and I always smile and respond with, "I don't know. I haven't eaten any."
A couple have asked if they're poisonous, and I always smile and respond with, "I don't know. I haven't eaten any."

That's a great answer.

One thing I have found is that people either are fascinated or the hate them. It seems to be mostly men who hate snakes. Cowboys in general hate or fear snakes.

We have a big Super Bowl party every year. I spend most of the day in the snake room answering questions for the ladies. Most of the guys won’t even come in the room.
Something interesting going on here i reckon.

Maybe its got something to do with America having many species of snakes, whilst the UK has very few. As in i don't think I know anyone here that has seen a wild snake in the UK, whilst i'm sure in some areas of the US people are taught about the dangers posed by some native species from a young age???

Maybe thats why it sounds like you get more negative reactions in the US? :shrugs:, surely at least this must have some affect?

over here my experience has been that people are usually quite interested, not scared and usually more grossed out by the thought of frozen mice cuddling up to my oven chips than anything else :crazy02:
Something interesting going on here i reckon.

Maybe its got something to do with America having many species of snakes, whilst the UK has very few. As in i don't think I know anyone here that has seen a wild snake in the UK, whilst i'm sure in some areas of the US people are taught about the dangers posed by some native species from a young age???

Maybe thats why it sounds like you get more negative reactions in the US? :shrugs:, surely at least this must have some affect?

over here my experience has been that people are usually quite interested, not scared and usually more grossed out by the thought of frozen mice cuddling up to my oven chips than anything else :crazy02:

I think it goes deeper than that... As a culture (or at least what's left of it), I think a lot of out reaction to snakes goes back to Adam and Eve. Had it been a squirrel that tempted Eve, I think at least some attitudes would be different.

Also, snakes are much more foreign to most people. We can relate better to mammals and birds. Fish have been in tanks forever.

We do have a lot more snakes than GB, but, generally speaking, the dangerous ones advertise themselves as such. Other areas are have venomous snakes that aren't nearly as distinctive from non-venomous snakes as ours. In those areas, "fear all snakes" is a better rule of thumb. But that brings up a question that is far enough off topic that I'll make a seperate thread out of it.
Yeah, nobody understands. And I am cool with that. They don't have to understand, so long as I do. ;) I am the "weird animal lady" at school. :shrugs:

Me Too!!!! I feel the same way! Most people look at me all dolled up and looking girly and go " no way. that's gross! why would YOU have snakes!" and I always reply "because THEY don't judge me!" lol, that usually shuts up most people. :)
Most just give me a sideways look that says they're thinking, "...but you look so normal."

A couple have asked if they're poisonous, and I always smile and respond with, "I don't know. I haven't eaten any."

LOL I love your response to the poisonous question, although I've never been asked that. I've been told I don't look the type to own snakes... of course, I've been told that they would never expect me to own horses either.... must be because I dress up, even my jeans, when I go out country dancing. Not sure what a snake or horse person is suppose to look like, but apparently, I don't look like either :)

I normally go on about how I loooove my snakes and what great personalities they have..... snakes or horses... I can bring on a glazed look in other's eyes when they let me start rolling :D
I love the "Why would you own one of those? Aren't they slimey?"

I say only if I dip them in jelly! :spinner:
I love the "Why would you own one of those? Aren't they slimey?"

I say only if I dip them in jelly! :spinner:

I've yet to have someone ask if they're slimy. To be honest, I thought the myth about snakes being slimy was put to bed a long time ago.

Actually, most of the people I've told about my snake have been positive. My dad has a phobia about snakes, so he doesn't really like hearing about it but all my friends think it's cool. My landlord is pretty ambivalent, but at least he let me have one.
For better or worse- you will always get an extreme reaction. Snakes seem to really peak the interest. Even those who were revolted wanted to see a picture so that they will know I am not kidding with them.

The best reaction I encountered by far was from my friend when I brought the fifth snake or so: "You know... you're alot like those old ladies with cats? Only way weirder than that".

The snakes are always an attraction at my home though, people can't help themselves and stare with mild fascination :)

Great response! I get the cat comment a lot. My family always announces it whenever there's someone new around. It cracks me up! They're convinced that it's my empty nest syndrome and that I'm over compensating. Something I may grow out of. Course they believe my lesbian sister will grow out of her over compensating too. Bless their little black hearts!!

I love the "Why would you own one of those? Aren't they slimey?"

I say only if I dip them in jelly! :spinner:

LOL - I gotta use this one :)

My favorite response so far was when date came to pick me up. I opened the door and told him to come in. He took one step in the door and saw my big MBK looking right at him. LOL.. he turned a bit pale, did an about face and told me that he'd wait in the car. Poor thing.

Great responses everyone!

Bless their little black hearts!!

You do realize, Tonya, that "Bless your heart!" is the southern belle's code for "F^#& You!" :grin01:

So far, people's reactions have been all across the board for me, from abject fear to "Oh, cool!". The most surprising reaction has been from a friend who is an opera singer; she didn't bat an eye and said, "My daughter used to have a Pueblan Milk snake, and is looking for a corn."

(Cha-CHING! New customer!)

And of course, when I mention I have snakes to a lawyer, it's like meeting up with a fraternity brother. ;)

You do realize, Tonya, that "Bless your heart!" is the southern belle's code for "F^#& You!" :grin01:

<sweet smile> why, yes Sir, I do believe I was aware of that. <bats her eyes at him>

Don't get me wrong, I DO love my family and enjoy them very much when I visit. However - they don't seem to "get" me. We are more than just 800 miles apart physically , but worlds apart in viewpoint and way of thinking. The snakes are simply the tip of the glacier that represents our differences. But I'm starting to infiltrate.... at least two of my sisters own some of my snakes, well their children do...... hehehe


Most of my friends don't realize I own snakes until they are over at my place and meet them. I have a friend who loves to handle them, but the first time she was over here she had no idea what my rack was.
She told me she remembered thinking that I had some sort of obsession with plastic bins, and that it was nice that I was so organized, but a little odd. :laugh01:

Other then that people seem to jump to the poison questions as well.
haha you should have see the look on the owner of the natural food store's face when I told her I needed the Grapefruit seed extract for my snakes. It was priceless. Hey, she's the one that had to ask what I was using it for :p
I think snakes are one of the most beautiful things there is..I don't own a snake (yet ><, but im working on it haha) and all my friends are afraid of snakes because they're "gross" or they bite...last time i checked, dogs and cats can bite too, am i right? haha. My mom is afraid of them, but i've just about convinced her to let me get a butter corn. She says "I don't want a snake, i'm afraid of them" and i said "You don't want a snake, i do, thats why im asking for one." and stuff like that. I told her that she doesn't have to touch it of even be near it if she doesn't want to..I'm sure she'll come around though. I just don't see why people think snakes are weird to keep..ehh.
I usually get a negative response from my older family members.

Though, my friends all love them.

Well, the majority. Some will handle them, and some wont. But they aren't bothered by them.

One of my friends whose terrified of lizards just recently went with me to pick up my baby boa; of course, with me driving, she offered to hold the bin he was in and wasn't even bothered a bit.

Now if it had been a lizard ... im sure she would have thought differently