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what do you feed your 1000 gram corns?


secretly normal
Just what the title says, just looking for a range of size and frequency of feedings. I'm not sure I'm getting things right with Amel Boy, he isn't fat or thin but I waffle between thinking he looks hungry or pudgey.

I usually feed him an adult mouse every 7 to 10 days, with the occasional weanling rat or two weanling mice depending if my other snakes are feeling picky. I don't think Amel Boy has ever refused a meal...adult mice just look so small compared to the rest of him.

Feel free to post pictures too.
I wish I had a better photo showing how big he is. Maybe I'll post another one later, I know there are more on my computer.
1000 grams is a big snake, how old is he. I think to error on the side caution and keep him lean is the best approach. If he is older, I might cut back to 2 adult mice every two weeks.
well, I don't know his age exactly but here is a photo from 2005:

And one from last week:

he doesn't look fat to me, but sometimes I wonder. I swear I have been under-feeding according to the Munson plan his whole life, I have no idea how he got so frigging big.
So maybe a 2004 or maybe a 2005, depending on when the 2005 picture was taken, right?
If I had a 1000g snake, I would probably feed him neighborhood kids, cats or small dogs. Anything to keep him from eating me! :sidestep:

Wayne ;)
All my breeder size males get an adult mouse every 2 weeks through most of the year. Prior to brumation and just out of brumation I'll feed them an adult mouse every 1 week for about 3 weeks straight. About half go off food during breeding season as well.

I don't have any adult males that are over 600 grams, so I would be inclined to agree with Mike and feed anywhere from 2-4 weeks.

On a related note I'd love to know if anyone has information on wild adult cornsnakes and their average weight/size. I know it has been discussed before, but I believe we've come to accept overweight-ish snakes looking normal and normal weighted snakes looking skinny . . . :shrugs:

I have 2 very large snakes. One is about 1500 grams and one at about 1000 grams. The 1500 is in really good shape so she gets one large mouse or weanling rat once every 2-3 weeks. The 1000 gram one is abit pudgy so she gets one large mouse every 3 weeks. I think that muscle tone really depends on how much they 'hunt'. If they dont 'hunt' much then I dont feed much.
I can't even imagine what a 1000 gram corn snake would look like as the largest corn snake I've ever owned has been just shy of 500 grams. And I don't even want to think about one that is 1500 grams!
Photos then! I took a few when I got home/

Me, in the mirror.

My roommate tries to hold sir-squirm-alot

His butt - look no huge fat deposits!

I have no idea where he came from, he's a second hand snake so to say he might be part-some-other-rat-snake wouldn't phase me. But i do know some corns get this big without being fat, I just hope he's finished growing! 1500 gram corn, Cat_Eyed_Lady?! Holy cow.
How tall is your room mate?

Your guy looks to be about a similair size ( don't even know why I am trying to make a good guestimate about this ) to our Jr.. He is about 4 and 1/4 ft and around 700gs.. He is pretty darn big, but no wheres close to my White Oak Grey that has to be in around 1000gs.. I can;t imagine what a 1000g corn must look like..

Jr a few years ago...


My Wifes thumb by Jr's massive pumpkin...


The big ole grey rat that dwarfs Jr above.. ( this is really where ultramel came from??? ) She is around 1000g's..


Dang. I suddenly felt a strange shiver that I am going to have to overcome a fear of snakes before my babies grow up to be that big. :laugh:

Beautiful snake though, v_various.
well Tim, I see your dollar and raise you 20. I had an american bill laying around, so for the sake of consistency I used that. Canadian is a little larger, I think.

Amel Boy is being such a good sport about all this photography.

I make the bin weightless,

and I add snake

okay, so I was off by a little, 966 grams. That second last picture of yours is awesome, I love his face!

To be fair, my other corn FinFang, it pretty tiny. He's a year younger than Amel Boy, I've had him sine he was a baby, and he's around 450 grams. So I think that should prove 966g-monster-snake is not my fault, lol.
corn weights surprise me sometimes. i have an 07 amel, Milly, who weighed just over 300 grams in february last year. which is why i was hesitant to breed her. so i didn't.

however, our anery female weighed I SWEAR around 400 grams 6 months ago, and i weighed her the other night, and she weighs 772 grams!!!! i thought it was totally impossible, i was convinced i had forgotten to tare the weighing bin, as it weighs around 300 grams. but nope, she definitely weighs 772 grams. and so does Milly this year! her and Zelda literally weigh within 5 grams of each other.

the weird thing is, they both don't get fed very often. we have 21 snakes, and we unthaw anywhere from 6-10 mice/rats per week, depending on whose shedding and whatnot. Milly and Zelda pretty much ONLY get fed when the majority of the snakes are picky and there are leftover foods. if i notice in the records that they haven't eaten in a couple weeks, i'll purposely defrost some for them, but other than that they only eat when someone else doesn't.

and they are FAR from obese corns!
Cheerio is right around 1000 grams at just a hair under five feet by string measure. She gets one adult fresh-killed mouse at around 11 days (10-12, depends on when I stop by the petshop). The adult mice at my LPS aren't as big as some that I've seen, but I've never weighed one.
She looks very nice, and her weight varies a little over the year but stays just under 1000. A few years ago I was feeding her a little more frequently because I thought the mice were rather small and she started getting a little round. After she lost her roundness I've stayed on this schedule and she's been pretty steady.
I always like pics of Amel boy. I got Cheerio "used" also, so I don't know her genetics or real age.
Thumper tips the scales at around 970g and is pushing 5 1/2ft. and doesn't seem to be fat by my eyes. The vet seems to think he has great muscle tone as well and I've never felt any fatty deposits on him. Here lately he would put down a mouse every 4 or 5 days if I would let him, and still makes me cautious when I stick my hand in the viv and he shoots out of his hide to sniff me and then sulk away in disgust.


and another bunched up... still no fat wrinkles

I just wanted to say that every one of the snakes pictured in this thread is really awesome and totally gorgeous.
Wow... as a baby, he looks just like my little amel girl (Zephyr) pattern-wise and his colors are also very vibrant! I love how much they change over time. I don't know what you should feed him, but I do have to say that he is a very beautiful, awesome snake. You've definately been doing something right!